Badly's photos with the keyword: bees

Bottlebrush buckeye

20 Jul 2019 1 2 95
Aesculus parviflora

Bottlebrush buckeye

20 Jul 2019 82
Aesculus parviflora

Agapanthus 'Cally Blue'

Bottlebrush buckeye

20 Jul 2019 75
Aesculus parviflora

Bottlebrush buckeye

20 Jul 2019 82
Aesculus parviflora

Can't you see I'm busy?

Fragrant tree

23 Jun 2017 122
Looks superficially like a lime (Tilia) with similar bracts, but the flowers were bigger, with an overpowering lily scent. Full of bees!


29 May 2017 142
Bombus vestalis, I think. A rare sight, so I hope they didn't mind me filming them.

Bee hives in Rajasthan

Bees and Ghost

Waterlily with tiny bees

Mr B shakes the swarm into his skep

Swarm 8

09 Sep 2006 121
A puff of smoke calms the stragglers and persuades them into the skep.

21 items in total