Badly's photos with the keyword: EC4M 9BW



Fan-vaulted ceiling

22 Oct 2010 146
The East end wall is at an odd angle

Percivall Pott - Amiable. Useful. Great.

22 Oct 2010 136
In memory of PERCIVALL POTT Esqr FRS Surgeon of St Bartholomew's Hospital during forty two Years Who departed this life Decr 22nd 1788 Aged 75 He was Singularly eminent in his profession To which he added many new resources and which he illustrated With matchless Writings Let Posterity revolve the sum of his experience That the World may still enjoy the benefit of his successful practice. He honored the collective wisdom of past ages The labours of the Ancients were familiar to him He scorned to teach a Science of which he had not traced the growth He rose therefore from the Form to the Chair. Learn, Reader, that the painful Scholar can alone become The able Teacher. But his studies had a double issue Whilst he gathered the knowledge of his Predecessors He perceived their errors and corrected them; He discovered their defects and supplied them. Original in Genius, prompt in Judgement, rapid in Decision, He directed knowledge to its proper ends, But pursued them when the aids of information were exhausted; The last steps therefore and the great improvements Were his own. His Integrity is before his Judge; Without it, his skill might have profitted mankind, But could have claimed no record within these walls. His personal Acomplishments and various Talents, His private Virtues, His signal Tenderness toward his family Completed an Example. Amiable. Useful. Great. In the same place are deposited the remains of SARAH POTT, his beloved Wife, The Partner of his virtues and his intellectual endowments, who departed this life January 18th 1811, aged 87. United once by every living tye, By Death once severed joined by Death again, Yet joined to live, O turn the heedful eye From Deaths short sway, to Lifes eternal reign.


22 Oct 2010 156
The East end wall is at an odd angle

Organ and Choir