depscribe's photos with the keyword: Oshkosh

Ready to fly the airshow

25 May 2013 1 207
Hasselblad Superwide, Ektachrome

Just for fun

20 Apr 2013 1 3 326
This is me shooting Oshkosh 1988. In case you're interested, over my right shoulder is a Domke bag I bought at Marty Forscher's shop, and a motorized Nikon F with a 200mm Nikkor on a Strap-A-Teer (oh, that they still made them!) also gotten from Marty. Around my neck are a Nikon FTn with a 20mm Nikkor and a motorized Nikon F3 with a 35mm f2 Nikkor. Over my left shoulder on the monopod is a Hasselblad Superwide. It was a hot day, so I was traveling light. And yes, that's a big roll of gaffer tape on the strap of the Domke bag.

The B-1b Bomber

09 Sep 2010 187
The military sends planes to Oshkosh for both static display and demonstration flight. It's a good recruiting tool -- and shows aviation enthusiasts how a small part of their tax money is spent. Hasselblad Superwide, Ektachrome

The French Connection

09 Sep 2010 1 437
Among the most precise and beloved airshow pilots were "The French Connection," the husband-and-wife team of Daniel Heligoin and Montaine Mallet. Their signature was the canopy-to-canopy maneuver pictured here. They would go on to die when their planes collided during practice in 2000. Nikon F3, 500mm Reflex Nikkor, Ektachrome

They make great shade, too

09 Sep 2010 173
Hasselblad Superwide, Ektachrome

Self-portrait in a warbird's spinner

09 Sep 2010 194
Hasselblad Superwide held on a monopod and triggered by its self-timer, Ektachrome

Another famous pilot

09 Sep 2010 190
Dick Rutan, who along with Jeana Yeager flew the Voyager around the world nonstop, on one tank of gas. Dick's brother is innovative airplane designer Burt Rutan. Nikon F3, 105mm f1.8 Nikkor, Ektachrome

And yes, it flies

09 Sep 2010 169
For airplane owners and builders of every stripe, Oshkosh is the place to be, to show off not just their new planes and restored warbirds, but also restorations and replicas of airplanes from the era of the Wright Brothers, Glenn Curtiss, Louis Bleriot, and other greats, near-greats, and not-very greats. Nikon FA, 35mm Nikkor, Ektachrome


09 Sep 2010 204
Nikon F3, 105mm f1.8 Nikkor, Ektachrome

DeHaviland Mosquito

09 Sep 2010 231
Florida's Kermit Weeks had restored this scrappy British bomber, and it drew a constant crowd. There are hundreds of planes on display at Oshkosh during the fly-in. Nikon FA, 24mm Nikkor, Ektachrome

The P-38 in a hard bank

09 Sep 2010 231
Okay, so it's just about my favorite airplane, right up there with the F-4U Corsair. Nikon FA, 200mm Nikkor, Ektachrome

Not to be seen again

09 Sep 2010 204
The Concorde buzzes the field. This one's a British Airways plane. Nikon F3, 500mm Reflex Nikkor, Ektachrome

Hardly ever seen

09 Sep 2010 206
Here's the Concorde at a couple thousand feet. Note that the nose is now raised for high-speed flight -- though it didn't fly supersonic at the show due to federal noise regulations. Nikon F3, 500mm Reflex Nikkor, Ektachrome

Two cool World War II birds

09 Sep 2010 259
The plane in front is a Lockheed P-38. This is the kind of plane that the writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery took off in in 1944, never to be seen again. (It was probably too much airplane for him, actually.) The second plane is the legendary North American P-51. Nikon FA, 200mm Nikkor, Ektachrome

Winner of the Battle of Britain

09 Sep 2010 216
A Supermarine Spitfire -- this one a rare two-seater built for training -- makes a low pass down the Oshkosh runway. Nikon F3, 500mm Reflex Nikkor, Ektachrome

I said they were daredevils!

09 Sep 2010 256
The Wagners performing their aerobatic wingwalking act. Nikon F3, 200mm Nikkor, Ektachrome

Bob and Pat Wagner

09 Sep 2010 735
Airshow favorites, Bob and Pat Wagner pose next to their biplane. They don't look like daredevils, do they? Well, they are. Nikon F3, 85mm f2 Nikkor, Ektachrome

And without the hat

09 Sep 2010 229
Another picture of Bob Hoover, just because he's Bob Hoover. Nikon FA, 200mm Nikkor, Ektachrome

19 items in total