depscribe's photos with the keyword: Palm Sunday

Father Mark prepares for Communion

25 Mar 2013 194
Palm Sunday, Christ the King Roman Catholic Church, Athens, Ohio

Palm Sunday 2013: Holy Week begins

25 Mar 2013 183
Father Mark Moore prepares for communion at Christ the King in Athens, Ohio. A bit of technical information for such as are interested. These two pictures were made to test the X20 for its suitability in photographing the Easter Triduum in the coming days. It is, I think, marginally superior to the X10 in some respects, but it still may not be as good as the LX-5 with the little clip-on electronic viewfinder in this kind of photography. But I'm not sure that any camera surpasses the LX-5 in this kind of situation. This was shot in program mode with auto white balance, as was the other one. A bit more technical information: while I found that the X20 could be made to work in this situation, it was far more troublesome in operation tan the X10, so it has gone back. I returned to using the X10, which is operationaly better and which has image uality at least as good.