depscribe's photos with the keyword: motorcycle race

Coming down a hill

07 Aug 2018 120
It sometimes gets very steep. Spectators (and photographers) can get close to the action if they dare, as in European rallyes.

And riders learn to adjust

This kind of thing happens a lot

07 Aug 2018 167
When a bike goes down, first order if business is to check if there are any other riders headed that way.

One young winner

07 Aug 2018 161
Mud-covered and happy, 16-year-old Alexi Phillips of Tryon, North Carolina took first place in her class aboard a KTM 150. Her friend, Davis Vasilatos, raced on a Yamaha 125.

Not a good place to pass

07 Aug 2018 157
The course wound far back into the woods -- a lap took as much as 30 minutes to complete. Sometimes there was a little congestion, as here. The races were not for a specified number of laps, but instead they determined how many laps a rider could complete in a specified amount of time, usually two or three hours.

Three riders, two wheels

07 Aug 2018 166
Here's something you don't see every day. Though stressing bikes to the max happened there a lot.

The motorcycle equivalent of a rock festival

07 Aug 2018 129
The Sunday Creek Raceway was transformed into a small city during the weekend, and roads and paths there were filled with a mixture of people on foot, on bicycles, in cars, on ATVs, and even on tractors. Oh, and motorcycles, too.

Busy intersection

07 Aug 2018 139
Bicyclists were wise to check carefully before riding across the racetrack.

The John Penton GNCC is an annual event

07 Aug 2018 163
It's named for Ohioan John Penton, the virtual inventor of the modern lightweight dirt bike.

There was a women's division, too

Going through the mud was not always fastest

Riders chose different lines

The ice is broken

A wheelie in the mud

A mudhole

31 Mar 2015 159
I set up shop at this "mudhole," which was frozen over at first.

They're off in a cloud of two-stroke smoke!

31 Mar 2015 196
Riders set off in groups of four, one minute apart. The goal was to maintain an average 24 miles per hour, rather than to be fastest.

There were noise limits

31 Mar 2015 152
A rider approaches the station where the loudness of his bike was measured. There was a maximum volume, but not a minimum.

Riders sign up

31 Mar 2015 146
More than 200 participants took part, despite temperatures of less than 20 degrees Fahrenheit at the start of the enduro.