depscribe's photos with the keyword: Fort Lauderdale

Flemished lines

18 Sep 2010 219
When ropes are laid out in this fashion, they're said to be "flemished." Of course, ropes that have anything to do with boats are not called ropes -- they're "lines." And when the boat is big, it is called a ship. Unless it is a submarine, in which case it remains a boat no matter how big it is.

A Navy vessel was in port

Undersea cable, the way it was meant to be seen

18 Sep 2010 198
Special cable boats would lay it down.

It's called the Plimsoll line . . .

18 Sep 2010 210
. . . and it shows how heavily laden a ship is. Though usually it's located amidships, not on the bow, so maybe I do not know what this is. Never mind.

It looks anatomical . . .

18 Sep 2010 188
. . . but it's undersea cable. Who knows what signals it was designed to carry.

And as we began . . .

18 Sep 2010 163
. . . we end, with Flemished lines.

Drawbridge up

18 Sep 2010 189
A sailboat enters the inner harbor, under power.

All you see . . .

18 Sep 2010 183
. . . is the guy's butt. Right?

There are sailboats at Port Everglades, too

Port Everglades is near Fort Lauderdale Internatio…

I liked the shape and shades

There's a famous poster of the Normandie . . .

18 Sep 2010 167
. . . which ultimately caught fire and capsized at dock in New York, which inspired this picture.

An unexpected good-bye

11 Sep 2010 171
As the body of her murdered sister is taken away, a young woman places her hand on the body bag. It happened on a bright Saturday morning in Fort Lauderdale. Olympus OM-1, 35mm Zuiko, Tri-X

Lauderdale Lakes shootout 3

11 Sep 2010 226
Shots are fired, and officers dive to the ground. Olympus OM-1, 200mm Zuiko, Tri-X

Dusting for prints

11 Sep 2010 172
A crime-scene technician hopes to help solve the murder of the Fort Lauderdale woman. Olympus OM-1, 200mm Zuiko, Tri-X

Lauderdale Lakes shootout 4

11 Sep 2010 179
In due course, the shooter is apprehended. Olumpus OM-1, 35mm Zuiko, Tri-X

Lauderdale Lakes shootout 5

11 Sep 2010 175
As police process the crime scene, bullet holes are visible in the apartment door. The big hole above the apartment number is where a gas grenade went in -- hence the exhaust fan. Olympus OM-1 with Rollei strobe, 35mm Zuiko, Tri-X

Lauderdale Lakes shootout 2

11 Sep 2010 169
As the building was surrounded, officers prepared to go in and get the shooter. Olympus OM-1, 35mm Zuiko, Tri-X

19 items in total