depscribe's photos with the keyword: 105mm f2.8 AI-s Micto-Nikkor with TC-14A teleconverter

Assassin bug, business end

27 Jul 2014 1 176
I just realized that the plant on which this bug was found is one that, had it not been cut back in the spring, would have numerous small yellow flowers. So this poor creature is like the Griswolds in "National Lampoon's Vacation" -- it's come all this way only to find that Wally World is closed!

Assassin bug with built-in warning

27 Jul 2014 181
Apparently this one seeks primarily colorblind victims. Or else it is seeking but has not found a yellow flower! Actually, that's it -- this plant normally has many small yellow flowers, but not this year. It's one of those bugs that are so small that until I brought the camera in and looked at the pictures, I was not sure what it was. I need better eyes or bigger bugs.

Strangest leafhopper I've ever seen

12 Jul 2014 228
I believe it is what's called a cottony leafhopper, but they are not supposed to be found around here. It is most likely some flavor of leafhopper nymph. Its head is on the right; the antennae stick out above its round, milky-white eyes.

Cottony leafhopper, different view

12 Jul 2014 1 1010
It did not want to sit still for the camera! Again, it's most likely a nymph. No idea what the adult looks like, but it will have to be pretty spectacular to outdo the costume it wears now.

Tonight's fly-of-the-day


05 Jul 2014 157
We are so over-run with the Asian ladybug (another trick played on us by the U.S. Departmenr of Agriculture), we seldom see the real thing anymore. Looking at the little yellowish eruptions on the ladybug's shell, I wonder if this one might be hosting some sort of parasite.