depscribe's photos with the keyword: sailboat

All set, and about to tack

20 Apr 2015 136
Where I'm standing the bow is less than a foot wide, and to go over backwards is to risk being keelhauled, which is never pleasant and seldom survivable, so yes, I'm hanging on to the forestay.

Hooking up the sheets and halyard

Getting the chute set up

Chute is packed, heading forward

Diane and Gerard

Heading to the race course on a chilly day

In the days of yore . . .

13 Jun 2011 1 406
. . . if yore were early June 2011. Taken off Milwaukee and decolored in post-processing. Looks old, though, doesn't it. It's the schooner Denis Sullivan, a reproduction launched in 2000.

Lake Michigan

Up the stick

In the distance, the World Trade Center

Big boats race in Long Island Sound

The big, colorful sail is called the spinnaker

Unicorn Detail

08 Sep 2010 196
The square-rigger Unicorn was kept Bristol-fashion, as they say, with brightwork that would let you see your reflection. A gorgeous boat. Rollei 35, Tri-X, D-76

Unicorn Rigging

08 Sep 2010 198
The square-rigger Unicorn. Well, part of it. Rollei 35, Tri-X, D-76