depscribe's photos with the keyword: insect macro

Another clover denizen

29 Jun 2014 212
Again, a total mystery. All I know about it is that it's almost too small to photograph with this rig.

Tiny fly of some sort

29 Jun 2014 220
If I had unlimited time and money, I think I would do a picture book of the ecology of the clover plant -- every day, I find new creatures who center all or part of their lives around clover. Such as this dinky fly which, like other flies I've seen, has balloon-shaped sacs behind its wings. Maybe someone can describe what they're for.

Green bottle fly

28 Jun 2014 217
Whether this has anything to do with Jimmy and his cracked corn is unknown to me. Was easier to photograph than that bizarre yellow bee, though!

Turns out, it's a "cuckoo bee"

28 Jun 2014 222
Went to town with the macro lens this morning to try and stalk this guy, who is smaller and different in coloration from other bumble bees (who were in profusion, too). Forty pictures later, this was the best I could do. They are a lot flightier than regular bumble bees. And I have just learned it is a Bombus perplexus , the cuckoo bee. Really!

Weevil weirdness

27 Jun 2014 139
Thought I'd post this one because it shows the really weird location of the insect's antennae -- way down its snout, in front of its eyes. Peculiar, huh.

Ready for a glittering night out

21 Jun 2014 150
A firefly.

Gotta feed the family

21 Jun 2014 178
This miniature wasp -- well under a half-inch long -- has stung this spider and paralyzed but not killed it. It will be taken to the wasp's nest, where an egg will be laid on it and, when the egg hatches, the larva will feed on the still-living spider. Mother Nature can be a bitch sometimes.

Ventral view

21 Jun 2014 165
Here is its underside. It appears to be the prototype of many space monsters of the 1980s and 90s. It is, of course, a firefly.