depscribe's photos with the keyword: blimp

It can weather-vane freely

08 Sep 2010 199
The blimp was docked at the Westchester County, New York, Airport, one of the busiest in the world for corporate aviation and only a few miles from Fujifilm's American headquarters.

Power is from twin Porsche engines

Ground crew checks that all is secure

The pilots have a great view

It's brought in to its mooring mast

Ground crew steadies the ship

The Blimp arrives to pick me up

Ground crew hard at work

Heading back

Airport in sight -- no need for a runway

Pilot and copilot as seen from the cabin

It doesn't just float up, it climbs

A blimp's-eye view of White Plains, New York

A blimp picture without a blimp in it

08 Sep 2010 243
Taken from the Fuji blimp over Westchester County, New York.

Waiting for my flight