depscribe's photos with the keyword: NASA

Charles Bolden, NASA administrator and astronaut

Charles Bolden, NASA administrator and astronaut

Charles Bolden, NASA administrator and astronaut

On the Today Show 4 December 2003

16 Nov 2014 713
I'd broken a story having to do with the president's new plan to return to the Moon and establish a permanent presence there. No one else had pinned down the story, so for a day or two I was very popular. The president made the plan public a few weeks later.

With Charlie Rose, 23 November 1988

15 Nov 2014 690
A story I had written, which put the lie to much that NASA had said about the fate of the Challenger astronauts, got published in early November 1988 by The Miami Herald's magazine, TROPIC. It got some attention and I was asked to talk about it on Charlie Rose's program, "Nightwatch."