depscribe's photos with the keyword: Guysville, Ohio

Fresh corn-on-the-cob sure is tasty

08 Aug 2018 122
They say the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and the young travelers learned that this is even more true of fresh, locally grown, early-harvest corn on the cob.

Farming is satisfying but not easy

08 Aug 2018 109
Rob Phillips of RL Valley Ranch talked about environmental effects -- and environmental regulation effects -- on local farmers.

Things they might not have considered

08 Aug 2018 97
The students listened intently as the farmers told them of the challenges and triumphs of modern agriculture.

How to be a smart shopper?

08 Aug 2018 87
A student from Dallas mentioned that there's a lot of cattle farming in her part of the country, but she didn't know how to make sure she was getting locally grown beef.

The students

08 Aug 2018 101
Typical of the touring students are Kyla Allen of Glen Mills and Hannah Drexler from Lewisburg, both in Pennsylvania. They're 16 and will be juniors this fall in their respective high schools. Glen Mills is near Philadelphia, whihc Lewisburg is north of Lancaster.

These were a little older

08 Aug 2018 98
This was an unsafe situation -- for me. Sows don't welcome intruders in their pens, near their newborn pigs.

These pigs were less than 48 hours old

08 Aug 2018 77
The students seemed fascinated by sows and their newborn younguns. They learned that a litter might include the offspring of several boars.

Some had not been close to livestock before

08 Aug 2018 78
Many made pictures to send home or post online.

They were high schoolers from many different place…

08 Aug 2018 100
Arriving at the farm, the touring students climbed from the modern, self-sustained bed-and-breakfast toward the pig pens.

She flys an alternative-energy flag

11 Jun 2017 138
Melissa McCarthy, her flag, and the cart she has been pulling across the country for the last three summers. This year she started southeast of Chicago in March. She plans to make it to the coast before fall.

A scene from the summer of 2015

11 Jun 2017 145
Cross-country walker Melissa McCarthy shows a picture of herself and her cart atop Loveland Pass in Colorado, at the continental divide, summer before last, the first season in her walk across the country.

When it absolutely, positively . . .

04 Nov 2014 181
. . . needs to get spilled all over the road. When a truck hauling corn did battle with a FedEx truck, neither emerged victorious.

There's a road under there!

Same place, next day

First day of 2014

01 Jan 2014 179
Overlooking a farm I like to photograph. The snow is supposed to begin overnight; maybe a meteorologist would be able to tell that from the clouds, but I can't.

Christmas morning horizon

25 Dec 2013 144
The ocean is beautiful beyond the trees, isn't it? Except that this was taken in Ohio, hundreds of miles from the ocean. That blue is the sky.

Snowy morning at the Marathon

16 Dec 2013 193
People were seriously inconvenienced by the quarter-inch or so of snow this early Monday morning. People are weenies.

And my standard favorite scene

14 Jul 2013 1 1 229
I think that if you didn't know it you would be hard pressed to tell that this was taken with a fisheye lens and is uncorrected. It is one of my favorite scenes, as you'll notice if you look through all the pictures here. It's on a bad curve in the road, so I may end up like a groundhog one of these days while photographing there. Oh, well. Cattle, corn, grass, trees, hills, big red barn and silo -- here's southeastern Ohio!

19 items in total