depscribe's photos with the keyword: National Geographic

H. Edward Kim

05 Mar 2011 217
The statistics tell me that a lot of people search for pictures of the brilliant photographer and photo editor Ed Kim. So I thought I'd add a couple more, also from the University of Missouri photo workshop in Bolivar, Missouri, in 1970.

H. Edward Kim

05 Mar 2011 566
The statistics tell me that a lot of people search for pictures of the brilliant photographer and photo editor Ed Kim. So I thought I'd add a couple more, also from the University of Missouri photo workshop in Bolivar, Missouri, in 1970.

Bill Garrett

10 Sep 2010 236
Editor-in-chief of the National Geographic until 1990, Wilbur E. Garrett spent more than a generation as one of the leading lights in photojournalism. His son, Ken, is currently a photographer for the Geographic.

H. Edward Kim

10 Sep 2010 525
Ed Kim was photo editor at National Geographic; here he's shown with the nifty (then new) Leicaflex with motor drive and the 400mm Telyt lens. Partially shown is University of Missouri photojournalism student Harriet Goldberg. Bronica S-2, normal lens, Tri-X, Diafine

Thomas R. Smith

10 Sep 2010 286
As associate illustrations editor of the National Geographic, Tom Smith shepherded some of the world's best and most famous images into print. But his work as a teacher of photojournalism, though lesser known, is not to be overlooked. Here he helps a student figure out a cranky Ultrablitz Meteor SPGH electronic flash. Leica M-4, 50mm f1.2 Canon lens, Tri-X