depscribe's photos with the keyword: tomato worm

Messy eater

14 Sep 2020 3 224
Turtles eat worms the way three-year-olds eat popsicles: when they're done, there's as much on the ground as in the belly.

Dio vs. JoJo and Speedwagon

14 Sep 2020 1 188
"Wriggle in despair, worm" is what the turtle would say, were it an anime villain. As a mere turtle, it says, "mmmmm, tasty."

This looks fat and juicy!

14 Sep 2020 1 147
Friendly neighborhood box turtle espies a fat, wasp-less tomato worm.

Out of worm

14 Sep 2020 1 1 143
This tomato worm has been sucked dry. It shall never achieve its aspiration of becoming a sphinx moth. Those white cocoons, though, will hatch into tiny wasps.

Along for the ride

14 Sep 2020 1 2 136
This tomato worm is festooned in the cocoons of a parasitoid wasp. It's eating tomaties. The wasps are eating it.

Just about done. Any more around?

Once the head is off, the creamy filling squirts r…

Head first. Always head first.

Aha! That looks tasty!