depscribe's photos with the keyword: Nikon

Just for fun

20 Apr 2013 1 3 326
This is me shooting Oshkosh 1988. In case you're interested, over my right shoulder is a Domke bag I bought at Marty Forscher's shop, and a motorized Nikon F with a 200mm Nikkor on a Strap-A-Teer (oh, that they still made them!) also gotten from Marty. Around my neck are a Nikon FTn with a 20mm Nikkor and a motorized Nikon F3 with a 35mm f2 Nikkor. Over my left shoulder on the monopod is a Hasselblad Superwide. It was a hot day, so I was traveling light. And yes, that's a big roll of gaffer tape on the strap of the Domke bag.