depscribe's photos with the keyword: politics

Nearby children were puzzled

05 Aug 2018 49
Kucinich's plans went for nought -- he lost the primary election and won't be governor.

Dennis Kucinich

05 Aug 2018 65
The former congressman and television commentator met with reporters on Ohio Univwersity's College Green to tell them what he would do if elected governor of the state.

And he took the stage

Bill waved to someone in the crowd

Clinton's people handed out "home made" signs

A candidate for senate, trailing in the polls, was…

The line to get in was long

The traveling press munched on vegetables

Local dignitaries waited to pose with him

Those political sheep again

16 Jul 2013 3 237
Certain persons thought the earlier version of this scene had to have been Photoshopped, what with the poster and sheep. So I reshot it this morning, showing the poster on the other side, too.


11 Jul 2013 216
This picture is not photoshopped or retouched in any way. It is cropped a little because I didn't have a long lens on. Just something I pass on the way into town.

Rand Paul campaigns

20 Feb 2013 144
Athens, Ohio, October 12, 2012