depscribe's photos with the keyword: horse

Preliminary results

04 Jan 2017 175
A tense 45 minutes later, the little horse is back on her feet, in a lot less pain, and enjoying some grass. The process was not complete, though -- there will be more trimming and shaping over the coming months, as tendons gradually contract to their proper formation.

Scary, but it didn't hurt

04 Jan 2017 156
Even a very small horse can deliver a powerful kick, so it was soon all hands holding her down while ferrier Marc Setzer of Langsville in Meigs County first used a saw, then nippers to trim away years of overgrown hooves.

Like a toddler with a splinter

04 Jan 2017 164
Frightened and in pain, the tiny horse did not welcome those there to help. Sedation would have been both expensive and dangerous. The actual hoof trimming, like cutting toenails, would be painless.

The terrible problem

04 Jan 2017 167
The hooves on this 10-year-old miniature horse had been neglected for years and had grown so as to deform bone and tendon and produce constant pain -- as well as make it nearly impossible for the tiny equine even to walk.

There is a horseback-riding club

13 Sep 2010 170
Many naval officers assigned to GTMO bring their families.

Prancing at altitude