depscribe's photos with the keyword: rain

After the rainfall

Rainy Saturday morning stroll in the park

After an autumn rain

24 Oct 2012 146
These textures and light were appealing to me.

With a little manipulation

24 Oct 2012 198
Same leaf as next picture. All depends on mood!

All is calm . . .

26 Dec 2012 164
The intersection of Court and State streets, Athens, Ohio, Christmas Eve, in the rain.

In the early mornin' rain

Comforting the injured

11 Sep 2010 172
Newspaper reporters and photographers become familiar with automobile accidents. This one took place on a rainy day in New York. Leica M-4, 50mm Summilux, Tri-X, D-76 1:1

When in doubt . . .

11 Sep 2010 159
. . . paramedics provide back and neck support, lest there be paralyzing spinal cord damage. Leica M-4, 50mm Summilux, Tri-X, D-76 1:1

Stroll in the Summer Rain

08 Sep 2010 227
Taken at Pepsico World Headquarters in Purchase, New York, during a light summer shower. When I drink soda-pop, I drink Pepsi products just because the company has made such an entirely beautiful place and opened it to the public. Maybe the prettiest park in the world.