depscribe's photos with the keyword: beach

Flowers by the shore, different size

Flowers by the shore, intermediate

Flowers by the shore

Okay, technically a seascape

Fisherman on the point

The gun is gone but the empties remain

18 Sep 2010 142
Iraqi soldiers were sure that U.S. Marines would storm the beach in Kuwait City. We encouraged that belief. They practiced with their Russian-built 13mm machine guns. The Americans, meanwhile, came up from behind. Ha.

Kuwaitis were happy we liberated them

18 Sep 2010 157
In the background is a once-opulent cruise ship that had been ravaged by Saddam's soldiers.

When gulls attack!

A fish's last view?

White on white

18 Sep 2010 3 2 287
Sanibel Island, Florida. Nikon F3, 500mm Mirror Reflex Nikkor, Kodachrome.

Working the tideline

Looking for fish

Great natural camouflage

The next wave might have food

Looks cold, doesn't it

A little heron, I think

Stately profile

A closeup doesn't bring out the beauty, does it

29 items in total