depscribe's photos with the keyword: Nikon fisheye

Ancient fisheye experiment

16 May 2013 1 252
This was taken using a 10mm OP fisheye Nikkor -- on a Leica M4. It was at Fox Photo in Columbia, Mo., where the Nikon salesman was visiting and demonstrating new products one weekend in 1970. I stacked on the M4 first a Leica M mount to Leica screw adapter, then a Canon SLR to Leica screw adapter, then a Nikon F to Canon SLR adapter, after which I stuck on the Nikon fisheye just to see what would happen. This is what happened. It was taken with 2475 Recording Film at some ungodly high ASA and processed in the trick 2475 developer. The experiment was technically a success but a practical failure. Not that I would have ever spent the price of a whole camera with several lenses on a fisheye, anyway, even if I'd had the money, which I didn't. Fisheyes tend to be kind of cliches. (If you look closely, you can see some interesting things on the "used" shelf, including two Olympus Pen F bodies, some Pen F lenses, and a 16mm Bolex movie camera.) At right there are signs for "Circus Showtime," which was a promotion of Kodak Carousel slide projectors. It is sad to think how many people now have never seen or used a slide projector or a projection screen. They should have to suffer as we did!