depscribe's photos with the keyword: Triduum

The Easter Vigil

08 Apr 2012 187
Awaiting the word.

Maundy Thursday

08 Apr 2012 159
Father Mark recreates Jesus's washing of his disciples' feet. Those whose feet are being washed will enter the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil two days hence.

The Gospel is read

08 Apr 2012 176
Father Pat reads the Good News.

He is risen!

24 Apr 2011 219
Parishioners at Christ the King Roman Catholic Church in Athens, Ohio, are illuminated only by candles as they begin the Easter Vigil, the final night of the Paschal Triduum.

In expectant worship

24 Apr 2011 157
The faithful at Christ the King Roman Catholic Church, Athens, Ohio, at the Paschal Triduum's Easter Vigil.