depscribe's photos with the keyword: Dennis E. Powell

Tea and Sweeties

20 Apr 2013 1 174
Formal national attire is part of the International Food Festival, held on Court Street in Athens, Ohio each spring

When you absolutely, positively want to eat

A little experiment, part I

05 May 2013 178
Having messed around with -- and not liked -- the "Active D-Lighting" in the Nikon D7100 shooting menu, I messed around with and very much do like the nondestructive "D-Lighting" in the retouch menu. Here's a straight OOC JPEG, entirely unremarkable.

And, why not, same bird

19 May 2013 2 2 272
You would not believe how heavily cropped the original image is. The D7100 is really sharp. So is the 18-200mm Nikkor -- this was taken with that lens at full zoom.

A bird

19 May 2013 1 182
Which I guess makes me now an official D7100 owner -- best I can tell, D7100 owners take pictures only of birds.

A little experiment, part II

05 May 2013 214
Having shot RAW+JPG, I used the D7100's retouch menu D-Lighting, which brought out a lot that was hidden in the shadows in the default exposure. Yes, it flattens things a bit, but in this case that's not awful. This was with the Retouch D-lighting on its normal setting; there is a "Low" choice, which does less, and a "High" choice, which does more. It's useful when (and I can't believe I'm saying this) contrast gets out of hand. Interestingly, the process increases the size of the resulting JPEG by about a third.

Multicultural indeed

20 Apr 2013 164
And a beautiful day.

Evening's amusement

03 May 2013 1 159
Playing with the 55-300 Nikkor on a D7100. Pixel peep all you want -- you'll learn nothing useful from this picture, because it was shot wide open at 300mm, with a depth of field the thickness of a sheet of onionskin. Just figure that if I have to live with dandelions, I might as well make such use of them as I can.

I did not take this picture: it is of me

18 Sep 2010 157
My friend Jeff Young took it. I'm in an Iraqi bunker near Kuwait City. Saddam's army booby trapped some of these on the way out, but this one was safe, or I was too booby even for them.