depscribe's photos with the keyword: X100

The castle in The Plains

02 Jun 2013 1 223
Sean Jones built this castle using 40-foot steel shipping/storage containers as the four turrets. (Are they turrets if they're not round?) The result is part castle, part treehouse, and all cool. The deck on the roof alone justifies the place. I believe it is for sale, and its new owner will love it. It was shot with the X100 at ISO 400 and f8. Which meant a 1.8-second exposure. Which as it turns out is too long for a monopod on a windy day.

Bees need to eat, too

28 Jun 2011 187
Little bumblebee, big flower, gorgeous day, churchyard garden.

Michael and Rachel get married

12 Jun 2011 168
X100 panoramas are good for the wedding album, with one terrible caveat: bad things happen to those in the picture who move, as with the young woman on the right at the end of the pew who moved and got crushed for her efforts. Still, I think the picture works. This is set to make a 120-degree picture, with the camera held vertically to increase the picture's height. Here endeth the lesson. By the way, the picture looks a lot better if you click on it to make it bigger.

Cheery hay field

13 Jun 2011 192
This is the color version, slightly differently composed. Which do you prefer?

These are the olden days

13 Jun 2011 164
Sometimes, black-and-white is better, or at least a little more dramatic.

The Runway, Port Columbus Airport

20 Jun 2011 187
Nice -- well, hot -- spring evening. The distortion (and the slight banding, dammit) are a result of the method (and in the case of the banding, the camera) used to make the picture. The runway is actually straight!

Infrared monochrome

08 Jul 2011 148
Doing infrared in black-and-white is comparatively easy. Getting the colors to work is the trick, I think. This was taken from the Big Run Bridge in Athens County, Ohio. Gray day, or the sky would have been more interesting

More IR tricks

08 Jul 2011 168
Too bad the sky was so gray -- would like to see which color it adopted.

Out the front window, IR version

08 Jul 2011 171
I love this view; will make it nice in an infrared picture if it kills me, which it might.

Getting a little better

08 Jul 2011 148
Next day, infrared experiments continue. Troublesome hot spot in the center; this time the white balance was taken from a patch of grass. Gettin' there, though. Day was very cloudy.