Richard And Jo Demeester's photos with the keyword: Vogtland

At the Top of the Church Tower

10 Jul 2022 84
We ascended the tower for the view. Adam had arranged for us to gain access, at the same time as some of the members of the church also ascended. They set up their music stands, and they played hymns. It was so beautiful in the afternoon light, with the extensive views, with the music pouring out over the town.

Breakfast, Kerkermeister Style

Adam's Office

10 Jul 2022 91
Adam's office, workspace, and classroom. Another beautiful space in the Kerkermeister building.

Lake Excursion, with Adam and Annett


10 Jul 2022 88
Coming down the St Laurentius tower.

Adam Finds his inner Villain

10 Jul 2022 112
We hope none of the buttons really bring death and destruction. Unlikely, as it was in a disused historic part of an old brewery, but I guess you never really know. Adam and Annett brought us here on the pretence of doing a tour. What they withheld was the fact that Adam was to be our tour guide. He was contacted and asked if he would do the occasional tour in English - he jumped at the opportunity. This day, it was a private tour.

Tasting Platter of Beers

10 Jul 2022 100
What better way to finish a brewery tour than with multiple examples of the product. Wernesgrüner Brauerei, Auerbach.


10 Jul 2022 87
The Kerdermeister building. Our friends, Adam and Annett, occupy a large part of this historic building in the centre of Auerbach. Slowly, they are increasing the number of rooms available for rent in the pension. Adam runs his language school, which at times includes cooking lessons, and these happen here as well. We pray their businesses and endeavours in this building will be truly blessed.