Chris10's photos with the keyword: Rotterdam

De Verwoeste Stad (Rotterdam): In het Hart getroff…

04 May 2018 10 16 592
On the fourth of May we want to remember...

From the Rain in the Drop?

Clock tower: Beurs-World Trade Center and Belfry c…

Rotterdam: Een stad die uitnodigt om anderen te on…

Rotterdam Erasmus Bridge: The Swan...

14 Apr 2017 10 20 761
The Erasmus Bridge (Dutch: Erasmusbrug) is a combined cable-stayed and bascule bridge in the centre of Rotterdam, connecting the north and south parts of this city, second largest in the Netherlands. The bridge was named after Desiderius Erasmus a.k.a. Erasmus of Rotterdam, a prominent Christian renaissance humanist. The 802-metre-long (2,631 ft) bridge across the New Meuse was designed by Ben van Berkel and completed in 1996. The cable-stayed bridge section has a single 139-metre-high (456 ft) asymmetrical pale blue pylon with a prominent horizontal base, earning the bridge its nickname "The Swan". The southernmost span of the bridge has an 89-metre-long (292 ft) bascule bridge for ships that cannot pass under the bridge. The bascule bridge is the largest and heaviest in Western Europe and has the largest panel of its type in the world. After costing more than 165 million Euros to construct, the bridge was officially opened by Queen Beatrix on September 6, 1996.[3] Shortly after the bridge opened to traffic in October 1996, it was discovered the bridge would swing under particularly strong wind conditions. To reduce the trembling, stronger shock dampers were installed.

#18 Rotterdam Station Square through the Hole and…

05 Apr 2017 8 14 443
CWP (2017/04 CWP) “Through a hole” --> ???

Lines and Squares...

#39 Rotterdam 'Blaak' Tower through the Hole...

05 Apr 2017 13 22 636
CWP (2017/04 CWP) “Through a hole” --> ??? De Blaaktoren is een woontoren aan de Binnenrotte bij de Blaak in Rotterdam. Aan het opvallende puntvormige dak ontleent het gebouw zijn bijnaam "Het Potlood". Het is een van de markantste gebouwen van Rotterdam en vormt met de naastgelegen kubuswoningen een bekend herkenningspunt in de stad. Zowel de Blaaktoren als de Kubuswoningen zijn ontworpen door architect Piet Blom! De Blaaktoren is in 1984 opgeleverd.

Erasmus MC, Rotterdam...

06 Dec 2017 4 4 421
I took this picture through glass from above the Euromast. The Euromast is an observation tower in Rotterdam, Netherlands, designed by Hugh Maaskant constructed between 1958 and 1960. It was specially built for the 1960 Floriade, and is a listed monument since 2010. The tower is a concrete structure with an internal diameter of 9 m (30 ft) and a wall thickness of 30 cm (12 in). For stability it is built on a concrete block of 1,900,000 kg (4,200,000 lb) so that the centre of gravity is below ground. It has a "crow's nest" observation platform 96 m (315 ft) which was completed in 1968, but regained it when the Space Tower was added to the top of the building in 1970, giving an additional 85 m (279 ft). Euromast is a member of the World Federation of Great Towers.

View over Rotterdam...

06 Dec 2017 5 6 434
I took this picture through glass from above the Euromast. The Euromast is an observation tower in Rotterdam, Netherlands, designed by Hugh Maaskant constructed between 1958 and 1960. It was specially built for the 1960 Floriade, and is a listed monument since 2010. The tower is a concrete structure with an internal diameter of 9 m (30 ft) and a wall thickness of 30 cm (12 in). For stability it is built on a concrete block of 1,900,000 kg (4,200,000 lb) so that the centre of gravity is below ground. It has a "crow's nest" observation platform 96 m (315 ft) which was completed in 1968, but regained it when the Space Tower was added to the top of the building in 1970, giving an additional 85 m (279 ft). Euromast is a member of the World Federation of Great Towers.

Erasmus Bridge 'the Swan', Rotterdam... (+PiP)

06 Dec 2017 23 18 833
I took this picture through glass from above the Euromast. The Euromast is an observation tower in Rotterdam, Netherlands, designed by Hugh Maaskant constructed between 1958 and 1960. It was specially built for the 1960 Floriade, and is a listed monument since 2010. The tower is a concrete structure with an internal diameter of 9 m (30 ft) and a wall thickness of 30 cm (12 in). For stability it is built on a concrete block of 1,900,000 kg (4,200,000 lb) so that the centre of gravity is below ground. It has a "crow's nest" observation platform 96 m (315 ft) which was completed in 1968, but regained it when the Space Tower was added to the top of the building in 1970, giving an additional 85 m (279 ft). Euromast is a member of the World Federation of Great Towers. ------------------------------------------------------ The Erasmus Bridge (Dutch: Erasmusbrug) is a combined cable-stayed and bascule bridge in the centre of Rotterdam, connecting the north and south parts of this city, second largest in the Netherlands. The bridge was named after Desiderius Erasmus a.k.a. Erasmus of Rotterdam, a prominent Christian renaissance humanist. The 802-metre-long (2,631 ft) bridge across the New Meuse was designed by Ben van Berkel and completed in 1996. The cable-stayed bridge section has a single 139-metre-high (456 ft) asymmetrical pale blue pylon with a prominent horizontal base, earning the bridge its nickname "The Swan". The southernmost span of the bridge has an 89-metre-long (292 ft) bascule bridge for ships that cannot pass under the bridge. The bascule bridge is the largest and heaviest in Western Europe and has the largest panel of its type in the world.

Shadow and Light...

03 Dec 2014 8 10 520
Rotterdam, Netherlands...

Cube Houses, Rotterdam...

03 Dec 2014 9 12 799
Cube houses are a set of innovative houses built in Rotterdam and Helmond in the Netherlands, designed by architect Piet Blom and based on the concept of "living as an urban roof": high density housing with sufficient space on the ground level. Blom tilted the cube of a conventional house 45 degrees, and rested it upon a hexagon-shaped pylon. His design represents a village within a city, where each house represents a tree, and all the houses together, a forest.

Rotterdam Centraal Station...

03 Dec 2014 16 38 1096
HFF to you All! 'Station Kapsalon' is de favoriete bijnaam Centraal Station Rotterdam. Ruim twee weken konden de Rotterdammers stemmen op hun meest favoriete bijnaam voor het nieuwe Centraal Station. De verkiezing werd begonnen met een lijst van dertien bijnamen, maar al snel stroomden er vele extra bijnamen binnen. Enkele daarvan zijn alsnog zijn toegevoegd aan de lijst, zoals 'De Metromuil', 'Station Zinksnijer' of 'De Treinmond', maar winnen deden zij niet meer. In totaal hebben 3427 mensen hun stem uitgebracht en de top drie luidt als volgt: 'Station Kapsalon' met 972 stemmen (28%) 'De Haaienbek' met 783 stemmen (23%) 'De Grote Muil' met 233 stemmen (7%) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Station Rotterdam Centraal**: Het door de architect Sybold van Ravesteyn ontworpen gebouw werd in 1957 geopend en was onderdeel van de wederopbouw van Rotterdam. Dat gebouw werd in 2007 gesloten en het jaar erop gesloopt om plaats te maken voor de nieuwbouw. Koning Willem-Alexander opent donderdag 13 maart 2014 officieel het nieuwe station Rotterdam Centraal.

Something Blue...

10 Nov 2014 15 28 885
Color Wheel Week 6 -- BLUE (Nov. 10-16). **Toren op Zuid**, Rotterdam: Architect Renzo Piano. Oplevering 28 september 2000. **KPN-gebouw**: In de Toren op Zuid op de Wilhelminapier in Rotterdam is het regionale hoofdkantoor van KPN Telecom gevestigd waardoor de toren al snel het KPN-gebouw heet. Als een van de eerste projecten op de Wilhelminapier werd dit 98 meter hoge kantoorgebouw met 23 verdiepingen gerealiseerd. Toren van Pisa helling: Het KPN-gebouw is een echte “eye catcher” aan de skyline in Rotterdam. Het gevelvlak helt mee met de kabels van de Erasmusbrug. De helling van de gevel is met 6% bijna gelijk aan de scheve toren van Pisa. De scheve voorkant wordt gestuit door een stalen paal van ongeveer 50 meter. In het oorspronkelijke ontwerp zou de schuine paal aan de voorkant niet een dragende constructie zijn, hierdoor zouden de kolommen heel breed of heel prijzig (door gebruik van nog specialer beton dan waar ze nu van gemaakt zijn) worden. Er is besloten om de schuine paal toch dragend te maken, hiervoor zijn er speciale aanpassingen gedaan m.b.t. de brandwerendheid. Zonder de paal zou het gebouw nog steeds moeten blijven staan, zij het dat het niet meer bruikbaar is.