C.Rayz's photos with the keyword: cricket

Meadow Grasshopper Adult

Grasshopper Nymph

Patio Life: Speckled Bush-cricket Nymph

27 Jun 2013 1 1 305
I was so glad to see that I still had these on the balcony, we also still have Dark Bush Cricket, I loved having them last year chirping away while we tended to the moth box.

Speckled Bush Cricket

14 Jul 2009 78
One of my favorite crickets the little speckled bush cricket :)

Common Ground-hopper

25 Apr 2010 105
Another first of the season for us.

Dark Bush Cricket Nymph

24 May 2010 91
Not sure about this ID, but pretty sure this is a Nymph of the Meadow one. If anyone else has any ideas for ID I'm all ears. About 6mm in length. Thanks to Mountainashe for the correct ID on this guy.

Dark Bush-cricket Nymph

09 Apr 2011 115
Lots of tiny unknowns, any help appreciated :)

Dark Bush-cricket Nymph

09 Apr 2011 1 170
Thanks Andy for the ID.

Speckled Bush Cricket

02 May 2011 146
Here's hoping these don't get mowed down like two years ago (haven't seen one in that area of Combe Haven since) in an effort to keep the dog walkers happy at the expense of the wildlife management.

Speckled Bush-cricket

Stretched Out Oak Bush Cricket Nymph

06 Jun 2011 103
No idea what this tiny guy will be when he grows into those anntenea..lol He was in the sheet we have for the moth box Update, I think its safe to say now this is probably the Oak Bush Cricket, we've since seen adults up here as well. Thanks to Ashley and Ralph for the ID help.

Great Green Bush Cricket Nymph

14 Jun 2011 84
For some reason this just doesn't look quite right for speckled. Any help appreciated. Update: Thanks to Ashe & Andy Phillips (one of the ones that discovered the Sickle-bearing crickets to begin with here in Britain) for the help with ID on this guy.

Great Green Bush Cricket Nymph

14 Jun 2011 118
For some reason this just doesn't look quite right for speckled. Any help appreciated. Update: Thanks to Ashe & Andy Phillips (one of the ones that discovered the Sickle-bearing crickets to begin with here in Britain) for the help with ID on this guy.

Roesel's Bush Cricket Face

Roesel's Bush Cricket

16 Jun 2011 86
Now I'm pretty sure about this ID, they do have them at Sandwich and its the right habitat...who knew I'd have so many interesting crickets :)

Roesel's Bush Cricket

05 Jul 2011 72
Not sure on these, from what I can tell we don't have any in this area (according to NBN Gateway), however in search of Grey Bush Cricket or Dark Bush Cricket, I found these guys all over the Pebsham Site in the last four days.

Roesel's Bush Cricket Female

05 Jul 2011 153
Not sure on these, from what I can tell we don't have any in this area (according to NBN Gateway), however in search of Grey Bush Cricket or Dark Bush Cricket, I found these guys all over the Pebsham Site in the last four days.

Common Groundhopper

20 items in total