C.Rayz's photos with the keyword: Ardea cinerea

Young & Silly Grey Heron

21 Mar 2011 135
Like seriously?!?

Juvenile Grey Heron

Exercising the Wings

10 May 2011 124
and consequently falling all over the place.

Can't We All Just Get Along

10 May 2011 122
They don't always live in harmony. These Herons need to execise, they aren't very coordinated yet and often if they move slightly off thier own nests the Rooks take offense and begin diving at them.

Adult Checking Very Young

10 May 2011 123
So sorry for all the photos but it's like taking shots of the Grand Canyon, you just can't help yourself even though they are never as good as seeing it live. These birds are SOOO silly to watch, you simply can't help yourself.

What'd Ya Bring Me

Adult & Young

10 May 2011 126
This was a very attentive adult, with quite young ones still.

Feeding Young

Hollaring for Food

Juvenile Grey Herons

Larry, Curly & Moe

Heronary & Rookary

10 May 2011 124
This is looking down onto the Heronary and Rookary, this tree stands at least 3 stories I would guess with around 11+ Grey Heron nests and many Rooks nests. I'm sure anyone reading this has seen Grey Herons along water edges, and they are lovely. Put them in trees and it makes for a very entertaining day, especially when you have soo many young silly birds, that don't belong atop tall trees on the best of days.

Sibling Rivalry

10 May 2011 104
Ok I shall apologize now for the following flood of photos....But I literally can NOT help it. These birds are insane...lol

Shift Change

10 May 2011 103
Most of the Grey Heron Juveniles and Rooks are reading to Fledge the nest, but there are many that are still very young. This is a pair of adults doing a shift/feeding change.

They Don't Belong In Trees

10 May 2011 124
We were given special access as my friend LizMP has been going for years and donates any photographs that can be used by the Church to help them, on an absolutely beautiful sunny, windless day.

Very Young Grey Heron

10 May 2011 110
The All Saints Church in Lydd, open the tower once a year (First weekend in May) I believe and charge you £3.00 to go up, its well worth every bit of that and more. Its a 13th Century Tower with spiral staircase, about 5 stories high I would guess and breathtaking views of the Marshes. The Herons nest here every year. It was also worth every once of pain my poor legs were in the next three days :)

Grey Herons

24 May 2013 175
Had a visit to Lydd Church on the May Day Bank Holiday. There seemed to be alot less nests for both Rooks and Grey Herons from the visit a few years ago.