C.Rayz's photos with the keyword: Combe Haven

Male Drinker Moth

04 Aug 2012 114
One of the stars of the night. Other notable species included: Round Winged Muslin July High Flyer Dotted Fan Foot Elachista maculicerusella

Another Male Drinker Moth

04 Aug 2012 100
One of the stars of the night. Other notable species included: Round Winged Muslin July High Flyer Dotted Fan Foot Elachista maculicerusella

Sussex Wildlife Trust Marquee

04 Aug 2012 104
Martin Flested and Alice Parfitt @ Combe Haven Valley Open Day. We brought the moths from the night before for folks to see, I think it went really well. I know I was busy showing off our catch most of the afternoon :)

Actinic Light Moth Trap @ Public Moth Night

04 Aug 2012 113
We had a public Sussex Moth Group (hastings branch) moth night at Combe Haven Countryside Park on the 20th. We had quite a few folks show up even though just an hour before it was belting down with rain.

MV Light Moth Trap @ Public Moth Night

04 Aug 2012 81
I always really enjoy converting someone to mothyness. Hopefully this is something we can do again next year.

Drinker Moth Warming Up

04 Aug 2012 115
One of the stars of the night. Other notable species included: Round Winged Muslin July High Flyer Dotted Fan Foot Elachista maculicerusella

Buzzard Over Combe Haven

22 Aug 2012 136
I love the birds of prey at Combe Haven.

Buzzard Over Combe Haven

22 Aug 2012 154
Pretty much full crops but we are getting closer to 'the shot' of one :)

Buzzard Over Combe Haven

22 Aug 2012 144
Maybe someday I'll hate this photo cause I have such brilliant ones ...today is not that day :)


22 Aug 2012 115

Magpie Perched

22 Aug 2012 161
Unusual to see a Mag on a stick :)

White Creeping Thistle Flowers

22 Aug 2012 176
I've never seen, or maybe noticed White Thistle flowers before, you could mistake these for just seed heads at a distance, but sure enough there was a small field with both white and purple.

Mother of Pearl

22 Aug 2012 150
Hiding under neetles ;/ Oh well I do always say, if I havent been bitten, stung by neetles, gotten muddy and have aching hips I've not had a good day out..LOL

Long Tailed Wasp

22 Aug 2012 141
Amazing wasp, no idea the ID but I couldn't resist a photo.

White Creeping Thistle Field

22 Aug 2012 136
Yes white, not seeds :)

Tiny! Cute! Grass Fly

22 Aug 2012 143
Not great photos but so cute. This guy is about 2-3mm maybe 4. Thanks to Rockwolf for the ID :)

Unknown Wildflower Poss Mint Family

22 Aug 2012 132
Tiny, similar to mintyness, in the marshy reedbed area, long leaves.

24 items in total