C.Rayz's photos with the keyword: chpb09wh

Gone Fishing

01 Apr 2009 113
I really was pleased with this shot the impressive height of the trees compared to the solitude of the boat.


07 Apr 2009 117
From Crowhurst way...

Hastings Country Park

14 May 2009 99
Overlooking Fairlight Glen Prolly some X-rated stuff down below but luckily we can't see any of that :)

Small Tortoiseshell

Mid-Summers Dream

Tiny Hoverfly

25 Jul 2009 110
Best viewed large. There are about 250 species of hoverfly in the UK so I have no idea which one this is, but hes very cute licking up the pollen from the lily petals. Once again Roger saves the day with an ID for me of Episyrphus balteatus


04 Aug 2009 93
One of the things I've wanted to do for a long time, now with the raynox its done. The real trick was finding damselflies as most of them are past their sell by dates :(

Buff Ermine

20 Aug 2009 93
Lovely moths :)

Smiling at Me :)

01 Sep 2009 82
Common Darter Face -Female Taken at Marlline Wood, this little gal seemed to be smiling for the camera and let me get closer and closer to get a nice shot of her face. I really enjoy seeing them in such detail, they almost have an architecture build that seems to work like a machine, but is delicate and graceful all at the same time.

Hastings Wildlife

18 Feb 2009 137
Female Grey Heron