C.Rayz's photos with the keyword: Mullein

Mullein Moth Face

07 Jun 2013 3 457
Stars of the catch 21 May 2013. These are fantastic moths, we had caterpillars on the patio a few years back that I rescued from a garden where someone was 'weeding". The foodplant Mullein attracted also some great weevils and hovers loved them.

Mullein Moth

07 Jun 2013 1 1 165
Stars of the catch 21 May 2013. These are fantastic moths, we had caterpillars on the patio a few years back that I rescued from a garden where someone was 'weeding". The foodplant Mullein attracted also some great weevils and hovers loved them.

Mullein Head Gear

12 Apr 2011 105
New moth for us, and I think I'm in love...


12 Apr 2011 105
This guy is just so impressive.

Mr McMullty

01 Jun 2011 110
I can not resist these faces, reminds me of betty boop face..lol

Patio Life: Mullein Caterpillar Face

30 May 2011 1 1 144
Code Name: One of the McMullty Family on buddleia. Update: On behalf of the McMullty family we give thanks to the mysterious flickr explore gods. Hahaha

Mullein Caterpillar

01 Jun 2011 135
This is a bit later instar feeding on Mullein.

Patio Life: McMullty Moults

06 Jun 2011 139
Caught this guy moulting and the interesting thing about this process, is that unlike alot of caterpillars that create mini cocoons or webs or roll leaves to moult these guys can't be bothered, they simply walk right out of the old skin.

Patio Life: Watching Paint Dry

06 Jun 2011 135
They have great face plates with 'faces' on them, it was interesting to me that although they maintain all thier bodily spots during a moult they loose the face spots, those slowly come back. The smaller photo was taken about 30mins before the larger. By a few hours his 'face' is back.

Patio Life: Mullein Free-for-all

06 Jun 2011 1 114
I should probably appologize to my contacts for flooding them with photos of Mulleins caterpillars, but frankly they are just so interesting, beautiful and photogenic. Remove me if you can't stand to see another one..lol I won't be offended..haha Two are just about to Pupate, and 6 have a week or so to go yet... so you know when to add me back :D

Patio Life: Mullein Moulted

Patio Life: Face to Face

06 Jun 2011 101
The McMullty Sibling Rivalry...

Patio Life: Family Meeting

06 Jun 2011 129
My poor Buddliea, welpt it knew what it was infor when I brought it home. They all fight over this one stem, and have been for days. I have 8 Cats on this young Buddliea well 2 go back and forth from the Mullein, but at least 6 at one time trying to eat on this one stem.

Patio Life: McMulty Pupa

28 Jun 2011 1 131
Mullein Moth Pupa Full story Here These are really fantastic pupa, with that appendige (part of the antennae and wing tips I think), they of course are brilliant large fantastical looking moths as well.

Patio Life: McMulty Cocoon Bottom

28 Jun 2011 135
Mullein Moth Cocoon Full story Here

Patio Life: McMulty Siblings

28 Jun 2011 164
I know all my contacts are dying to know whats happening with the McMulty family of 8 (Mullein moths) that I had eating my poor Buddleia to the knub..lol During the week of 6 June 2011, I went on a trip to Sandwich Bay, leaving instructions for my hubby on the care and watching of the various caterpillars I've got on the patio..lol I left him a pre prepared bug tub ready with dirt. Told him if they begin to wander around pop the two biggest ones you can find into the tub. Between the 9th & 12th they did just that, all began to scatter. He scooped up two and they immediately dug down into the dirt. So these are the two cocoons that were in my tub. 5 of them are scattered around hopefully having found suitable places to dig down and have a sleep. Sadly one of them didn't find the dirt in time and began making his change beside my watering can, popped him into some dirt but not sure how he will do. The two above have built little dirt cocoons which took about one week to get finished and then turn them selves into a pupal case inside. This is not a caterpillar to raise for the impatient, its going to be a long term relationship as they can stay in this state for up to at least 3 years!! I did read somewhere it could be upto 5, but 3 sounds more like it. In my research I found that there was a serious lack of photos of this stage, and of the pupa, so I did open one of the cocoons (quite typical actions when rearing moths, most people store them as pupa) just a small hole to get him out and photograph him, and placed him back inside. Hopefully some day I will have moths emerge in April-May :)

Patio Life: McMulty Cocoon

28 Jun 2011 133
Mullein Moth Cocoon Full story Here

20 items in total