A Buildings Fan's photos with the keyword: gate pier

Gatepier Staunton Harold Hall, Leicestershire

Gatepier Staunton Harold Hall, Leicestershire

Gatepiers Staunton Harold Hall, Leicestershire

Detail of Gate Piers, Staunton Harold Hall, Leices…

Detail of Gate Pier, Hornby Castle, Lancashire

Detail of Gate Pier, Hornby Castle, Lancashire

The Stables, Farnley Hall, North Yorkshire

Detail of grade 1 listed gates, Nettleham Hall, Li…

Detail of grade 1 listed gates, Nettleham Hall, Li…

Gates to Nettleham Hall, Lincolnshire

Detail of grade 1 listed gates, Nettleham Hall, Li…

Detail of grade 1 listed gates, Nettleham Hall, Li…

Detail of grade 1 listed gates, Nettleham Hall, Li…

Detail of grade 1 listed gates, Nettleham Hall, Li…

Detail of grade 1 listed gates, Nettleham Hall, Li…