Boodarai's photos with the keyword: Brush Tailed Possum

Fonzie wants to help

18 Apr 2014 110
Rambo, the injured possum, is safe for the night in its box on the cupboard, but Fonzie is desperate to see it and help. The lounge room is still mostly wrapped in plastic as the newly-plastered walls will be sanded next week.

possum safe and sound

18 Apr 2014 81
Rambo, the rescued possum, soon settled down and ate two apples with so much enthusiasm we suspect he had been hungry for a while.

Théo saves a possum

18 Apr 2014 94
Théo and his rescued possum! We were within 100m from the farm entrance (after 999km on the road) when Théo shouted "look out" and I saw the possum starting to cross the road. It had a badly injured back leg and was dragging itself slowly over the asphalt. We stopped and bundled it up to take to the vet in the morning.