Bergfex's photos with the keyword: Lebensweisheit

Without Comment

04 Oct 2018 8 6 505
Who has no time for his health, will need much time later for his illnesses.

Don't Take Life So Seriously!

03 Oct 2018 41 18 1077
Don't take life so seriously, you can't get out alive anyway! (Captured while hiking to Little Tibet (Tyrol, Austria). ~~~~~ (Aufgenommen während der Wanderung nach Klein Tibet (Tirol, Österreich). (Der Stausee)

To Live is to Risk

18 Nov 2016 9 3 464
"Leben heißt, Risiken einzugehen" ~~~~~ Captured within the Messner Mountain Museum (Bozen, Italy). Published with permission of Reinhold Messner.

Without Title #1

16 Nov 2016 6 8 628
"People do not stumble upon mountains, but upon molehills" ~~~~~ Captured within the Messner Mountain Museum (Bozen, Italy). Published with permission of Reinhold Messner. The museum: ~~~~~ The molehills: