afwrite's photos with the keyword: silhouette

Red heads

21 Nov 2006 1 357
Bonfire 4th November 2006 Knapp's Loch, Kilmacolm. Chinese dragon, anyone?


26 Feb 2008 3 2 531
February 18th 2008 beneath the south peak of the Cobbler around 5pm looking west towards Beinn an Lochan. A wonderful day on one of Scotland's best mountains with not a little excitement. My bonny climbing buddy rivals the views!

Scottish Solstice Sunshine

28 Jun 2009 366
Back at my flat about 5am, the morning decided to make a break for it. Bridge Of Weir , Scotland, 21st June 2009

Platform 11a sunset Glasgow Central

05 Sep 2008 490
This is the 3rd scottish sunset of the year. Sunshine is in short supply this year though tonight was sunny and warm and the sunset was a fiery one with streams of gold and ochre blazing a trail in the sky. The lovely sprint down to platform 11a (the most ridiculous station platform ever) was worth it. 4th September 2008 8pm

Through a glass darkly

28 Apr 2008 427
Glasses by the window at twilight. Sunday 27th April 2008.