Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: overalls

Who Was That Masked Man?

26 Oct 2020 2 468
A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of Halloween (costumes, masks, jack-o'-lanterns, decorations, ghosts, gravestones, or anything else spooky or scary; no limit—post as many Halloween photos as you'd like) . A photo of a man (or possibly a woman) wearing a grotesque mask, overalls, suit jacket, gloves, neckerchief, and straw hat. He's carrying a cane in one hand and a package wrapped in newspapers in the other. Could this be a Halloween costume? If so, is he dressed as a farmer? Or do the cane and package suggest a stick-type bindle characteristic of a hobo? This is an unused real photo postcard with an AGFA-ANSCO stamp box on the other side, which indicates that it may date to the 1930s or 1940s. A couple of other details point to a specific locale. First, under magnification, the heading on part of the bundled up newspapers says, "New Era," so it's possible that it was the Lancaster New Era , a paper published in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Secondly, a pouch of "Good Bite" chewing tobacco with a fish logo is sticking out of the breast pocket on the man's suit jacket. The Good Bite brand of chewing tobacco originated in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. For some other disconcerting masks, see Costume Creepiness .

Better Than Haying (Full Version)

25 Mar 2019 448
What is it that's "Better Than Haying," as the caption says? For an explanation, see the cropped version of this real photo postcard.

Better Than Haying

25 Mar 2019 2 2 550
A fishing photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park topic of knitting, fishing, and kissing (photos of people who are knitting, fishing, or kissing; post examples of all three if you have them.) . "Better Than Haying" is the caption of this real photo postcard by Vermont photographer Edwin T. Houston, who published it in 1906 (take a look at the full version to see Houston's inscription at the bottom of the photo). Just about any activity would be better than "haying," or making hay by hand, which is a laborious chore that usually has to be done on a hot summer day. The farmer in the photo, with his dog by his side, is taking a break from haying by casting his fishing line into the water. The farmer has literally turned his back on his haymaking tools, which are visible on the left-hand side of the photo. We can see the teeth of a rake , the blade of a scythe , and the handle of a third tool, which must be a hay fork with its tines stuck in the ground. So the humorous moral of the story told by this carefully constructed scene is, of course: Fishing is better than haying!

Electrical Department, Luna Park, 1910 (Cropped)

23 Jul 2017 2 519
For more information, see the full version of this real photo postcard (below).

Electrical Department, Luna Park, 1910

23 Jul 2017 6 3 946
The caption on this photo tells us that these fellows worked in the Electrical Department at Luna Park in 1910. But was it the original Luna Park at Coney Island ? And what location in the park did they choose for their photo? Looks like they may be sitting on a flume or water-chute, and there's a water wheel behind them, so perhaps it's some kind of water ride. Mouse over the image above for a closer view of the men.

Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters! (Detail Righ…

07 Jul 2015 1 1032
For more information, see the full version of this real photo postcard:

Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters! (Detail Left…

07 Jul 2015 1 1042
For more information, see the full version of this real photo postcard:

Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters!

07 Jul 2015 6 6 1853
A photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park showing how there's one in every crowd (a group of people posing with one silly/goofy person who throws the whole photo off, i.e.: sticking out tongue, bunny ears behind the head, etc.) . Oh, how nice! The carpenters and other workmen in this real photo postcard are posing with saws, hammers, and other tools to demonstrate how hard they've been working on the renovation of this house! But wait a second! One guy is lying down on the job!

Boy, Women, and Dog in Front of a House

28 Dec 2015 5 8 1335
An undated real photo postcard.

Removal! Removal! C. G. Trimmer, York, Pa.

10 Apr 2014 1 1354
Removal! Removal! We have removed our dry goods and notion store and our shirt & overall manufactory to No. 401 W. Market St., corner of Penn St. (opposite farmers' market), where we will be pleased to meet all our old customers and friends. We will manufacture all kinds of shirts, overalls, blouses, boys' waists, &c., at short notice. Please give us a call. C. G. Trimmer, agent. E. C. Bender, printer, 1 & 3 N. Penn St., York, Pa.

Two Men and a Team of Horses

21 Mar 2014 1103
A real photo postcard. No date or location.

Lost in the Mists of Time

North Dakota Threshing Crew with Steam Engine

15 Jul 2014 4 1 1827
The dealer from whom I bought this real photo postcard identified it as a North Dakota scene, and I'm guessing that it shows a threshing crew. I'm not sure what kind of steam engine they're using to power the threshing machine (which is presumably connected to the other end of the belt that extends beyond the left-hand side of the photo).

Hartman Gish, Farmer, Three Years Old, 1907

05 Mar 2014 2 1924
"Hartman Gish - 3 yrs. old." A real photo postcard postmarked Richland, Pa., July 26, 1907. Addressed to: Miss Charlotte Gable, Schaefferstown, Leb. Co., Pa. Handwritten message on back: "Thanks for the beads. Hartman likes them so much. He even slept with them. Pardon me for not writing sooner. Don't Hartman look natural. Clara is coming on Sat. Lovingly, Christie."

Schoolchildren Posing in Front of a Blackboard, Pe…

12 Dec 2013 951
See also the full version of this photo:

Schoolchildren Posing in Front of a Blackboard, Pe…

12 Dec 2013 7 2 2010
A photo of children for the Vintage Photos Theme Park . An undated photo by Morrows Studio, Newport, Perry County, Pa., shows schoolchildren posing in front of a blackboard. The expressions on the kids' faces range from angelic sweetness to stoic forbearance to utter impatience. My favorite is the girl sitting third from left in the front row (mouse over the image to see a close-up view of her and some of the other children ). Her dramatically amusing appearance--with puffed-out cheeks, bulging eyes, and a hand over her stomach--either indicates that she's going to be sick or that she's ready for the photo session to be over.