Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: plaid

Tintype of Girl in Plaid Dress, Norristown, Pa. (C…

06 Dec 2013 1 812
For more information, see the full version of the tintype.

J. L. Cope, Artificial Fly Tyer and Photographer,…

06 Dec 2013 1 1181
"Cope, artificial fly tyer and photographer, cor. Strawberry Alley & LaFayette Street, Norristown, Pa." This is the reverse of Tintype of Girl in Plaid Dress, Norristown, Pa. (see small image below).

Tintype of Girl in Plaid Dress, Norristown, Pa.

06 Dec 2013 1 1126
Tinted tinype in a CDV-sized paper mount. Mouse over the top of this image to see a close-up of the tintype . Printed on the reverse (see small image below): "Cope, artificial fly tyer and photographer, cor. Strawberry Alley & LaFayette Street, Norristown, Pa."

Knitted, Pleated, and Plaid

12 Feb 2015 2 1 843
A knitted photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park. A real photo postcard with a mother and daughter wearing knitted tops along with plaid pleated skirts.

I'm Coming Some on Motorized Roller Skates

11 Jun 2018 1 602
An amusing "advance card" that a traveling salesman could send to let customers know when to expect his visit. For other early twentieth-century advance cards, see I'll Be There Soon to Tell You How to Jinger Up Your Trade , Zing! Coming Round Your Way , and I Am Pushing on the Lines .

The Baker Triplets, Dillsburg, Pa., 1898

04 Mar 2015 6 1 1510
"J. E. Taylor, 16 S. 2nd St., Dillsburg, Pa." Handwritten notes on the back of this photo: "4 month old" (earlier note, in pencil). "The Baker Triplets, 'I think'" (later note, in pen). As far as I have been able to determine, this cabinet card photo shows Rebecca, Sarah, and Adalene Baker, who were born on February 5, 1898, and lived in Dillsburg, Pennsylvania. A brief article that appeared in the Reading Eagle on February 10, 1933, p. 19, identified the sisters only by their married names (I added their first names in brackets): Berks Woman One of Triplet Sisters York, Feb. 10 (Special).--Mrs. Walter Cassel [Rebecca], of Fleetwood, Berks County, is one of three triplet sisters, who observed their 35th birthday anniversary at the home of their mother, Mrs. Emma Baker, this county. The others of the triplets are Mrs. Clarence Spahr [Sarah], of this city, and Mrs. Ira Kimmel [Adalene], of Dillsburg. The three sisters were feted at a dinner and family gathering on the occasion of their birthday anniversaries.

Recevez mes vœux de Bonheur

01 Apr 2016 3 1541
Devinez qui? Devinez quoi? Je pense a vous; pense à moi! Avec ce poisson et ces fleurs Recevez mes vœux de Bonheur. Google translation: Guess who? Guess what? I think of you; think of me! With this fish and the flowers Receive my wishes for happiness. A French real photo April Fools' Day postcard, circa 1900s or 1910s.

The Doll Goes Everywhere

27 Jan 2015 5 1306
Written on the back of the photo: "The family. All four of us. The doll goes everywhere."

Lydia S. Covert

19 Mar 2015 3 735
A Victorian-era calling card with a plaid background design. See below for examples of other calling cards with interesting patterns and textures.

Girls with Amusement Park Cars, 1967

Man and Woman at the Rockefeller Center Roof Studi…

29 Jul 2014 6 2 1329
A people on rooftops photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park. A souvenir "Rockefeller Center Roof Studio" photo, taken 850 feet and 70 stories above street level in New York City, probably sometime in the 1940s. The Empire State Building is the tall skyscraper visible behind the man, and 500 Fifth Avenue is the one on the left. Today, this is the south view from what is now the "Top of the Rock" observation deck on the roof of the GE Building (formerly the RCA Building and soon to be renamed the Comcast Building). Also called "30 Rock" because its address is 30 Rockefeller Plaza, the building's nickname was the inspiration for the name of Tina Fey's popular 30 Rock sitcom, which aired from 2006 to 2013.