Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: shirts

Running Races in Folkestone?

17 Feb 2020 1 1 453
A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of shape up! (people exercising) . This is an early twentieth-century real photo postcard with the name "Lambert Weston & Son, Folkestone" embossed in the lower right-hand corner (the embossing isn't really visible in this image, unfortunately). The photo shows a number of men who are getting some exercise by running a footrace. The runners, strangely enough, are wearing neckties and white shirts more suitable for an office than an athletic field. A large crowd has gathered to watch the competition, and a large round building is visible in the background. The building in the background appears to be one of the Martello towers --"small defensive forts that were built across the British Empire during the 19th century"--and might be one of the towers that are located in Folkestone, Kent, England.

A Pair of Parcheesi-Playing Posers (Detail)

15 Sep 2019 2 539
An enlarged view of the board, game pieces, and dice cups in a trick photo of two young men playing against themselves in a game of Parcheesi. The photo is well composed with only a translucent part of the Parcheesi board underneath the hand on the right and a slightly darker streak running vertically through the middle of the photo to give away the double exposure. I'm not certain what might have caused the dark shape on the side of the building directly above the board. For more information, see the full version of this real photo postcard. .

A Pair of Parcheesi-Playing Posers

15 Sep 2019 3 2 731
A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of playing cards and board games . Two young men pretend to play Parcheesi against themselves as they pose (two times!) for this double exposure photograph. Take a look at a cropped version of the photo showing a close-up view of the Parcheesi board on the top of the table. This is an unused real photo postcard with the words "Post Card" and "The address to be written on this side" printed on its undivided back, which suggests that it may date to sometime during the first decade of the twentieth century.

Haunted Birthday Party, Sept. 1955

21 Oct 2016 7 1 1396
A photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park for the topics of spirit photography / ghostly images / haunted houses (post up to 3 images on any combination of these themes) . Representatives from the spirit world have seemingly materialized just in time to sing "Happy Birthday" in what is actually just a double exposure. See my Ghosts and Hauntings album for more spooky photos.

Please Send Home That Shirt You Borrowed

30 Mar 2016 2 691
"Please send home that shirt you borrowed." Postmarked Los Angeles, Calif., Jan. 30, 1910, and addressed to: "Mr. Clarence Fox, RR #5, Sterling, Kans." Is it an amusingly nonsensical message to send to a friend? Or could it be a catchphrase from some forgotten song or play? Whatever the case might be, I've only seen it on early twentieth-century postcards like this one.

Dennis and Little Francis at Thanksgiving

22 Nov 2015 3 1026
Written on the back of this photo: "Dennis & Little Francis. Thanksgiving."

Removal! Removal! C. G. Trimmer, York, Pa.

10 Apr 2014 1 1354
Removal! Removal! We have removed our dry goods and notion store and our shirt & overall manufactory to No. 401 W. Market St., corner of Penn St. (opposite farmers' market), where we will be pleased to meet all our old customers and friends. We will manufacture all kinds of shirts, overalls, blouses, boys' waists, &c., at short notice. Please give us a call. C. G. Trimmer, agent. E. C. Bender, printer, 1 & 3 N. Penn St., York, Pa.

Wretched Typo the Printer

09 Feb 2015 2 1442
An insulting " vinegar valentine " aimed at printers. Printer Lead-colored claws, tobacco-stained jaws, Wretched Typo, you cram up your stick, Drunk today to your sorrow, half sober tomorrow, And then swear you're a regular "brick." Your foreman condemns how you count up your "ems," How you "sub" it at half-price he likes, But the editor only, at his desk groaning lonely, Damns you and your interminable "strikes." For another example of a vinegar valentine, see You Teach Each Little Elf More Than You Know Yourself .

I Hope You Get the Glad Hand Always

17 Mar 2015 3 810
For a similar postcard, see And May You Get the Glad Hand Everywhere .

And May You Get the Glad Hand Everywhere

17 Mar 2015 1 917
For a similar postcard, see I Hope You Get the Glad Hand Always .

May Day Mayhem

01 May 2014 2 1241
Maypoles on May Day for the ABC Group (4/24/2017). Mouse over the image above to see close-ups of the maypole on the left and the maypole on the right . This real photo postcard shows the organized chaos of May Day festivities at a playground or schoolyard--location and date unknown, unfortunately--where two groups of students are dancing around two maypoles as other students and adults view the proceedings. Could this be a maypole dance competition between two classes or schools? Are the two groups racing to see who will be the first to finish weaving their ribbons around their maypole? It's not clear whether this is a competition, but it's interesting to note that older boys are holding up each maypole while girls wearing dark-colored skirts dance around one of them and girls in light-colored skirts dance around the other. Also, many of the boys standing in the background beyond the maypoles are wearing shirts emblazoned with the letter E, so I suppose it's possible that the clothes are athletic uniforms reflecting different classes or schools. In any case, even if we can't tell exactly what's going on, the image provides an intriguing glimpse at a May Day celebration from days gone by.

May Day Mayhem (Maypole on the Right)

01 May 2014 1101
For more information, see the full version of this photo .

May Day Mayhem (Maypole on the Left)

01 May 2014 1 1040
For more information, see the full version of this photo .

Man and Woman at the Rockefeller Center Roof Studi…

29 Jul 2014 6 2 1330
A people on rooftops photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park. A souvenir "Rockefeller Center Roof Studio" photo, taken 850 feet and 70 stories above street level in New York City, probably sometime in the 1940s. The Empire State Building is the tall skyscraper visible behind the man, and 500 Fifth Avenue is the one on the left. Today, this is the south view from what is now the "Top of the Rock" observation deck on the roof of the GE Building (formerly the RCA Building and soon to be renamed the Comcast Building). Also called "30 Rock" because its address is 30 Rockefeller Plaza, the building's nickname was the inspiration for the name of Tina Fey's popular 30 Rock sitcom, which aired from 2006 to 2013.

Clergy Shirts in Color

20 Jun 2013 4 1 1797
An advertising postcard from the Lutheran Church Supply Stores, Philadelphia, Pa. Printed on the back: "Clergy Shirts in Color....Soft, comfortable, and elegantly styled, these short sleeve shirts hold their shape and color through many machine or hand washings. The new look in clerical shirts."