Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: wholesale

Chas. O. Ursprung, Horse Collar Manufacturer, Lanc…

22 Jan 2018 3 4 725
"Chas. O. Ursprung, wholesale horse collar manufacturer, No. 408 North Market St., Lancaster, Pa. CU. Special trademark." Charles O. Ursprung (1867-1935) moved his horse collar manufactory to 408 North Market Street in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, sometime in the early 1900s (city directories from the late 1890s give his business locations as either 21 or 32 West Chestnut Street in Lancaster). For a similar business card from the same job printer ( Pluck Print ), see William C. Myers, Practical Artesian Well Contractor, Salunga, Pa.

Holcomb and Caskey, Wholesale Lumber, New York, N.…

13 Nov 2017 1 717
"Holcomb & Caskey. Wholesale lumber, white pine, North Carolina pine, hemlock & cypress lumber, white pine, cedar and cypress shingles. Office, 18 Broadway, New York. Brooks Bank Note Co., Boston." Despite Holcomb & Caskey's impressive business card, the company filed for bankruptcy in 1911 after a little more than five years in business. A notice published in Hardwood Record , a lumber industry magazine, on May 25, 1911, p. 79, announced the demise of the company: "The Holcomb & Caskey Lumber Company, 940 Broadway, has filed a petition in bankruptcy. The nominal assets are $12,559 and liabilities $40,712. The company was incorporated in December, 1905, with a capital of $50,000. Richard E. Holcomb is president and Clayton R. Caskey vice-president. Mr. Caskey has organized the Clayton R. Caskey Lumber Company, taking over the headquarters of the old concern and will in the future conduct a general wholesale business on his own account."

S. Elliott and Son, Dealers in Pure Artificial Ice…

17 Mar 2016 1 865
"S. Elliott & Son, wholesale and retail dealers in pure artificial ice, manufactured by the Consumers' Ice Company of Lancaster. 242 S. Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. S. Elliott. S. G. Elliott. Bell 'Phone, 4924. United 'Phone, 1846 B."

W. H. Michael, Headquarters for Southern Fruits an…

06 Apr 2020 2 304
For the front of this business card, see W. H. Michael & Son, Commission Merchants, Philadelphia, Pa. . W. H. Michael. 114. Foreign and domestic fruits, nuts, etc., wholesale and commission. Headquarters for southern fruits and vegetables.

Dealer in Love, Kisses, and Up-to-Date Hugs

16 Oct 2014 2 1230
"Hot Air Post Card. Address, any old place. Holding hands a specialty. Wholesale and retail dealer in love, kisses, and up-to-date hugs. I have no agents, I attend to this work personally. Give me a trial. Sole proprietor of lover's row. Special attention to other people's friends. Address: any old place. Holding hands a specialty." Printed on the back of the postcard: "Copyright 1907, by E. W. Wilson, post card publisher, 278 B Tremont St., Boston, Mass."

W. H. Michael & Son, Commission Merchants, Philade…

06 Apr 2020 1 316
For the back of this business card, see W. H. Michael, Headquarters for Southern Fruits and Vegetables . W. H. Michael & Son, commission merchants and wholesale dealers, foreign and domestic fruits, &c., No. 114 Dock St., (West Side), Philadelphia, Pa. Wm. H. Michael. A. W. Michael. Established 1868. Represented by G. C. Sanderson.

Virginia Rock Oil

09 Jun 2014 2 879
"Geo. Arnold & Co., successors to Alonzo Chapman, wholesale and retail dealers in Virginia rock oil, the best and cheapest now in use, for lubricating machinery. Also, kerosene oil, and petroleum turpentine, for painters' use. 109 State St., Rochester, N.Y. Geo. Arnold. R. N. Warfield."