Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: airports

Frank Steinman, Roosevelt Field, Mineola, Long Isl…

28 Jul 2016 4 1094
"Frank Steinman, Beechcraft Hangar, Roosevelt Field, Mineola, Long Island. Phone Garden City 7919. Res. Hempstead 5457." For another copy of this card and some other business cards from Roosevelt Field, see the Miscellaneous Business Cards posting on the Port Washington Aviation History blog.

Air France and T.I.A.

20 Oct 2015 2 1382
A mother and daughter--both of whom are wearing corsages--at an airport. The French airline names on the sign behind them are Air France and T.I.A. ( Transports Aériens Intercontinentaux ). Kodachrome slide dated June 1960.

Visit Grand Canyon by Air, TWA and GCA, 1935

16 Jun 2014 1 982
Front cover of a brochure published by "TWA (Transcontinental and Western Air, Inc.) and GCA (Grand Canyon Air Lines, Inc.). Effective July 20th, 1935." From the inside pages of the brochure: "In luxurious comfort and with unequalled speed of the TWA Douglas Skyliners, the passengers of 'The Lindbergh Line' are afforded an opportunity to visit the land of fascinating wonders, gorgeous spectacles, and kaleidoscopic panorama in flight through the Great Southwest.... At Winslow [Arizona], passengers directly connect with the comfortable trimotor planes of the Grand Canyon Airlines, Inc., making a one-hour flight to Grand Canyon Airport in the Kaibab National Forest near the south rim of the Grand Canyon."

Visit Our Sunday-School Air Port

02 Nov 2015 2 1315
Visit our Sunday-School Air Port; come on a glorious flight Far to the lands of the Bible, shining in radiant light. Straight through the heaven of beauty bathed in the sunshine of love, Come on a tour of the Bible all other journeys above! Airships are waiting and ready, the pilots are steady and true; Off we are starting next Sunday, and here is a ticket for you! Handwritten at the bottom: "Zion Lutheran Sunday School, E. Petersburg, Penna., October 27, 1929." Printed on the other side: "Here's your pass for the take-off next Sunday!" Handwritten address on the other side: "Misses Stella and Martha Weaver, R.D. #1, Manheim, Penna." Postmarked: East Petersburg, Pa., Oct 23, 1929.