Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: bands

The Conductor of the Band at the Zillertal Beer Ha…

07 Nov 2022 1 1 292
A Vintage Photos Theme Park photo for the theme of booze and music . "Hamburg-St. Pauli. Zillertal bleibt Zillertal." ("Zillertal remains the Zillertal.") Partially visible on the wall in the background: "Schaug das'd in Schwung kimmst!" (According to one source, this translates as "I see you come to life" in the Bavarian dialect). This is a souvenir real photo postcard from the Zillertal, a Bavarian-style beer hall that was located in the notorious Reeperbahn area in the St. Pauli district of Hamburg , Germany. The man wearing a suit and holding a baton is a tourist pretending to be the conductor of the house band, whose lederhosen-clad members are surrounding him. Other souvenir photos typically show the band with groups of tourists holding mugs of beer. See the Zillertal, Hamburg section of the Reardon Smith Ships site for photos of the exterior and interior of the Zillertal along with two more souvenir pictures.

House of David Band, Benton Harbor, Michigan

07 Mar 2016 4 2 1341
"61. House of David - Benton Harbor, Mich." The House of David was a religious commune in Benton Harbor , Michigan, whose members performed in touring bands (like the one above), played on baseball teams, and ran an amusement park that featured miniature trains (like the ones below). Benjamin Purnell (see below) and his wife Mary formed the group in 1903.

Montour Park Fall Opening—Third Annual Corn Roast…

13 Sep 2020 1 445
A cardboard poster from Danville , Montour County, Pennsylvania, that dates to the 1920s or 1930s (September 12, 19, and 26 fell on Saturdays in 1925, 1931, and 1936). For a similar poster from the same town, see Eddie Gilligan and His Cosmopolitan Orchestra, Riverside Park, Danville, Pa., Sept. 14, 1925 . Montour Park Fall Opening Third Annual Corn Roast and Dance Saturday, Sept. 12 Saturday, Sept. 19 Pfeiffer's Imperials Saturday, Sept. 26 Alexander's Orchestra, with a Charleston Contest.

Clarence and His Marching Band on Labor Day in Bri…

03 Sep 2019 2 713
Handwritten message on the back of this real photo postcard (no address or postmark): "My dear Aunt Clara, this post card was taken in Bridgeton on Labor Day. See if you can find me. Clarence." The AZO stamp box on the other side (four corner triangles pointing up) suggests a date as early as 1904 to 1918. Clarence and his marching band probably played in Bridgeton, New Jersey. I took a close look at the uniforms, music sheets, and drumhead but wasn't able to spot any names, insignia, or other details that would help to confirm the location or identify the band.

Eddie Gilligan and His Cosmopolitan Orchestra, Riv…

18 May 2019 2 826
A poster advertising a dance with music provided by Eddie Gilligan and His Cosmopolitan Orchestra, a popular jazz band. The Final Dance of the Clover Club Summer Series Eddie Gilligan and His Cosmopolitan Orchestra In a return engagement. The band that made so decided a hit earlier in the season. Featuring Edward Tracy and Frank Crisman, youthful singing and dancing wonders of vaudeville fame! Hear them at Riverside Park, Danville, Monday, Sept. 14th. Dancing 9 to 1 Ladies, 50c. Gentlemen, 99c.

Ticket for a Chance on a $25 Suit of Clothes

15 Oct 2018 1 370
An early raffle ticket for a chance on a "$25 suit of clothes." It's likely that the "Liberty Band" was the one with that name based in Middletown, Pennsylvania. "This ticket is good for one chance on a $25 suit of clothes to be chanced off by the Liberty Band. Tickets, 5c or 6 for 25c. No. 832."

Orphans Home Band, Loysville, Pa.

19 Jul 2018 1 815
A real photo postcard showing the Tressler Orphans' Home Band. "Tressler" was part of its name beginning sometime in the nineteenth century, so I'm not sure why it's missing from the drum in this early twentieth-century photo. For a later incarnation of the band—with spiffier uniforms and a different drumhead—see Tressler Orphans' Home Band, Loysville, Pa.

Universal Ball, Keene, New Hampshire, March 5, 185…

31 Dec 2017 1 2 881
A ticket or invitation for a "Universal Ball" held in Keene, New Hampshire, on March 5, 1852. As listed on the ticket, musician S. K. Conant played both the violin and the "Kolquearougion," an instrument he invented. Although a newspaper article in 1859 called his invention the "Kolquearougion Bells," I haven't been able to uncover any additional information about it. Universal Ball Your company, with ladies, is respectfully solicited at the Town Hall, in Keene, on Friday evening, March 5, 1852. Music by Hall & Conant's Celebrated Lowell Brass Band. D. C. Hall, cornet and bugle; S. K. Conant, violin and Kolquearougion; B. Hall, clarionett and piccolo; G. P. Kittredge, violin and prompter; W. Bennett, bass. Tickets, $1.50, to be obtained of authorized agents, and at the door. Dancing to commence at seven o'clock.

Altoona City Band, Grand Concert Ticket, Altoona,…

18 Jul 2017 1 1 718
"Grand Concert. Altoona City Band with the assistance of local talent. Opera House, February 16th, 1888. Tickets, 50 cents. Quick Charity and Hospital Fund." A ticket for a charity concert held in 1888 by the Altoona City Band. Looks like the printer used a different typeface for each line on the ticket!

The Singer Band of Mechanicsburg at the Grangers'…

03 May 2017 3 1039
Drumhead: "Singer, Mechanicsburg, Pa." Caption at the bottom of the photo: "Grangers Picnic, 1915." The Singer Band of Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, posed for this photo in 1915 at the Grangers' Picnic, which was an annual event held each summer at the Williams Grove Amusement Park . Prior to the picnic, the Harrisburg Telegraph newspaper, August 28, 1915, p. 4, announced the Singer Band's participation: "Concerts at the Granger's Picnic at Williams' Grove next week will be given by the Singer Band of Mechanicsburg." The Singer Band--named for David Singer, an early leader of the group--is still in existence today. Additional photos of the band are available on the Singer Band's Web site .

Grand Independence Ball, Oaksville, New York, July…

09 Jun 2016 2 1290
"Grand Independence Ball at Reynolds Hall, Oaksville, Tuesday eve., July 3, 1883. Yourself and ladies are invited. Music by Wager's Band. Bill $2. A. C. Reynolds, prop'r." An advertising trade card announcing a Fourth of July dance in Oaksville, New York.

Tressler Orphans' Home Band, Loysville, Pa.

29 Aug 2015 2 1 1919
A real photo postcard of the "Tressler Orphans' Home Band, Loysville, Pa." For another orphanage music group, see Girls' Saxophone Band, Evangelical Orphanage, Lewisburg, Pa.

Theodore Roosevelt Cigar Band

The Cars, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 24, 1980

18 Jun 2015 1 892
"Electric Factory presents Cars, 8:00 pm. Mon., Nov. 24, 1980, at the Spectrum. No cameras / recorders. No refunds / exchanges. Ticketron. Admit one - subject to the conditions on the back hereof. Seat 5, row-box 7, sec. 103, loc. 10 flor." Ticket for The Cars with special guest The Romantics at the Spectrum in Philadelphia, Pa., on November 24, 1980.

Fairyland of Candles, Lititz Springs Park, Lititz,…

30 Jun 2014 1 1255
The borough of Lititz, located in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, has hosted a Fourth of July celebration--including a "Fairyland of Candles," as mentioned in this notice from 1940--for well over 100 years. The Lititz Web site provides additional details: "One of America's oldest continuing observance of Independence Day also takes place in Lititz. Since 1818 the community-wide Fourth of July celebration in Lititz Springs Park has been a mainstay. The festivities include the 'Fairyland of Candles' along the Lititz Run within the Park, which is a grand illumination of over 7,000 candles, started in 1843 when only 400 were lighted." -------- "Lititz Springs Park, Thursday, July 4, 1940, afternoon and evening. 98th annual Fairyland of Candles. 7,000 candles, only display of its kind in America. Hon William S. Livengood, Jr., secretary of internal affairs, guest speaker, 7:30 p.m. Streaker's Band of Lancaster, concerts from 2 to 10:30 p.m. (D.S.T.). Punch and Judy, three shows, 3:00, 4:45, 6:00 p.m. 3rd annual Photographic Salon, more prints than ever from U.S. and foreign lands. Baby Parade, 4:30 p.m. Gigantic fireworks display. Admission, 35c, children under 12 free, free parking. Largest program ever offered for the money; continuous from 2 to 11 p.m. Bring your supper and spend the day."

A Grand Entertainment for the Benefit of the Salun…

26 Feb 2018 1 457
"A grand entertainment will be held on Saturday even., April 3, '97, in Cooper's Hall, for the benefit of the Salunga Cornet Band. The comedy-drama 'Tatters' is one of the finest amateur plays that has been written, abounding in the most pathetic and humorous scenes. Good music will add largely to the night's entertainment. Don't fail to come; rain or shine. Admission, 15 cents. Reserved seat, 20 cents. Committee. Pluck Print, 38 East Chestnut Street, Lancaster, Pa."

Double Header Bowling Alley Cigar Label, 1911

19 Mar 2014 3 1637
A sample cigar label printed by the Moehle Lithographic Company.

Estey Brownie Parade

25 Mar 2014 1 1 1227
This Victorian-era advertising trade card for the Estey Organ Company features a parade of Brownies , the popular creatures created by author and illustrator Palmer Cox (1840–1924). For other Brownie sightings, see Don't Walk! Ride a Bicycle and What Have You Found Now, Christopher Columbus?

22 items in total