Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: samples cases

If He Gets No Puncture—Kreider Shoe Manufacturing…

09 Oct 2018 3 675
A humorous "advance card" for the A. S. Kreider Shoe Manufacturing Company in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania. Salesmen from the company sent postcards like this in advance of their trips to let store owners know when they planned to visit. The salesman depicted here is wearing his motoring clothes—goggles, cap, and coat—as he steers his shoe-shaped automobile through the dusty streets. His "A. S. K. Shoe Co." case of sample shoes is safely stowed on the running board. The Kreider Shoe Manufacturing Company is no longer in business. Its former factory buildings in Middletown (below) and Elizabethtown , Pennsylvania, now contain apartments. For other salesmen postcards, see my album of Advance Cards . If He Gets No Puncture Our Mr. ________ will be at your store on or about ________. The Kreider Shoe Mfg, Co., Elizabethtown, Pa. Boys', youths', and little gents' McKay sewed and Goodyear welts. A. S. K. Shoe Co.

C. L. Hartz, Dealer in Meats and Cheese, Lancaster…

13 Jul 2018 2 887
A business card by Pluck Print with an illustration of anthropomorphic pigs by the Philadelphia engraving firm of Crosscup and West. C. L. Hartz Dealer in all kinds of first-class smoked meats, such as ham, dried beef, bologna, breakfast bacon, &c Cheese: New York state, full cream, imported Swiss, sapsago, kimmel, and Limburger. 223 East Frederick St., Lancaster, Pa. At Northern and Central Markets. Avenue C, stalls 37 and 39, Northern Market. Pluck Print. Buyers Office. Crosscup & West, Phila.

I'm Coming Some on Motorized Roller Skates

11 Jun 2018 1 603
An amusing "advance card" that a traveling salesman could send to let customers know when to expect his visit. For other early twentieth-century advance cards, see I'll Be There Soon to Tell You How to Jinger Up Your Trade , Zing! Coming Round Your Way , and I Am Pushing on the Lines .