Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: Kauffman

Grand Spelling Bee, Fair View School, Mechanicsvil…

18 Mar 2024 2 286
Katharine Hostetter Kauffman, later known as Katharine “Katie” Kauffman Herr (1886-1986), was the teacher who organized the spelling bee advertised on this handbill. For a similar item from a later event, see Spelling Bee, Terre Hill, Pa., April 3, 1925 . Come One! Come All! To a Grand "Spelling Bee" To Be Held at the Fair View School Near Mechanicsville along Manheim Trolley Road Saturday Eve., March 24, '06 Classes are as follows: Class I. Open to Pupils of 11 years and under. Class II. Open to all Public School Children. Class III. Arithmetical Contest, open to all. Class IV. General Information, open to all. 16 Valuable Prizes to be Distributed The Program will consist of Music, Phonograph and School Recitations and Dialogues General Admission - 10 Cts. Proceeds to be used for the School Library. Doors Open at 7 o'clock. Exercises begin at 7:30 o'clock. Katharine H. Kauffman, Teacher. Should the weather prove too unfavorable the Bee will be held the first fair evening following Monday. L. B. Herr Print, 51-53 N. Queen St., Lancaster, Pa.

The Hydraulic Ram Is a Perfectly Simple, Effective…

14 May 2015 1 1302
For information about Darius L. Kauffman and hydraulic rams, see the front of this advertising trade card: The Hydraulic Ram, Darius L. Kauffman, Garfield, Pa., 1880s . Spring and Creek Water. How to raise it for all purposes! The Hydraulic Ram is a perfectly simple, effective, and durable machine, for forcing a portion of a spring or brook to many points, at any required distance to a mile or more, and elevations to 300 feet, at the rate of 10 to 1000 gallons per hour, depending on quantity of water, fall, elevation, distance, and size of ram, will furnish a constantly running stream of water to irrigate land, supply dwellings, creameries, livestock, factories, villages, R.R. stations, &c. Thousands in constant use, many over 30 years. Double hydraulic rams will raise fresh spring water with power of creeks without mixing. Have sole agency in Berks, Lehigh, Lancaster, York, Lebanon, and parts of Schuylkill and Dauphin counties for Morrow's Improved Rams, horizontal valve; using the least fall and water. All sizes and kinds of hydraulic rams, pipes, drain tiles, and requisites for furnishing water, forwarded at short notice on most reasonable terms. We prefer to direct, and put them up personally to obtain the best results. Experience is very important. Our work warranted to give entire satisfaction. You need not pump, carry water, or drive stock to creeks. To Raise Water without Fall. ☞The hot air pumping engine will lift and force water from deep wells into tanks, especially adapted for domestic use, quarries, mines, and whatever it is required to raise from 100 to 5000 gallons of water per hour, with very little fuel. Has no boiler! No steam! No valve! Is small, powerful, absolutely safe, and as simple as a stove. Over 7000 in use. Will be given on trial if desired. Anyone in need of any of the above, call on or address Darius L. Kauffman, Garfield, Berks Co., Pa.

The Hydraulic Ram, Darius L. Kauffman, Garfield, P…

14 May 2015 1 1 1433
In this advertising trade card from the 1880s, Darius L. Kauffman revealed his passion for the hydraulic ram , which is essentially a water-powered water pump. The front of the card (above) illustrates a ram in action. One pipe draws water from a pond or steam in the wooded area on the right, and then the ram mechanism uses pressure from the water flow to send water through another pipe so that it travels up the hill on the left to reach the livestock grazing there. On the back of the card (see below), Kauffman described the hydraulic ram as "a perfectly simple, effective, and durable machine," which can be used "for forcing a portion of a spring or brook to many points, at any required distance to a mile or more, and elevations to 300 feet, at the rate of 10 to 1000 gallons per hour." In this way, it can "furnish a constantly running stream of water to irrigate land, supply dwellings, creameries, livestock, factories, villages, R.R. stations, &c." In addition to hydraulic rams, Kauffman also offered to install "hot air pumping engines," which burned fuel--coal, wood, or gas--to provide the energy for pumping water, and to supply accessories like pipes and tiles for his customers. Tragically, Kauffman died at the age of 33 as he was discussing the hydraulic ram. The Harrisburg Telegraph (Harrisburg, Pa), on Tuesday, April 16, 1889, p. 2, reported his death in this brief note: "An Inventor's Sudden Death. Reading, Pa., April 16. Darius L. Kauffman, an inventor, of Garfield, this county [Berks County], died suddenly at Mossersville, Lehigh county. He was explaining the mechanism of a hydraulic ram in which he was interested, when he fell forward and in a few moments expired. Death was caused by paralysis of the heart." The Hydraulic Ram. ☞New Hot☜ Air Pumping Engine. Lead, Plain, and Galvanized Iron Pipes. Drain Tiles, &c. Darius L. Kauffman, Garfield, Berks Co., Pa. (over)