Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: 1882

Frederick H. Stowe, Stove Founder and Manufacturer…

17 Dec 2018 2 1 492
Frederick H. Stowe is listed as a "stove manufacturer" ("founder" is someone who owns or operates a foundry) in the Troy, New York, city directory for 1882, but the Troy directory for 1883 indicates that he "removed to Albany." After moving, he went into business with William F. Burden and operated a stove foundry in Albany under the name of Burden & Stowe from 1883 to 1887. Frederick H. Stowe, Stove Founder Manufacturer of ranges, cook and parlor stoves, sinks, hollow ware, &c. Troy, N.Y. Salesroom, corner of Paine and Hamilton Streets, Green Island. Presented by ________. Cohoes horse cars run within one block of the door.

Programme and Engagements, Erster Grosser Ball des…

03 Jun 2016 1 728
Dance card, inside pages for the Programme and Engagements. See also the front and back covers (below). Programme. Grand march promptly at 9 o'clock, p.m. 1. Waltz--Plain. 2. Waltz--Schottische. 3. Waltz--Polka. 4. Quadrille--Plain. 5. Waltz--Plain. 6. Waltz--Polka Mazourka. 7. Waltz--Gallop. 8. Quadrille--Lanciers. 9. Waltz--Plain. 10. Waltz--Polka. 11. Waltz--Danish. 12. Quadrille--Plain. Intermission 13. Cotillion. 14. Rhinelander. 15. Waltz--Gallop. 16. Quadrille--Glide Caledonian. 17. Waltz--Plain. 18. Waltz--Polka. 19. Waltz--Polka-Mazourka. 20. Quadrille--Plain. 21. Waltz--Plain. 22. Waltz--Gallop. 23. Quadrille--Plain. 24. Waltz--Racquet. Engagements, 1 - 24.

Erster Grosser Ball des Harrisburg Mænnerchor, Apr…

03 Jun 2016 2 750
Dance card, front and back cover. See also the inside pages for the Programme and Engagements (below). "Erster Grosser Ball des Harrisburg Mænnerchor in Shakespeare Hall, am Oster Montag Abend, den 10ten April '82." Translation: First Big Ball of Harrisburg Mænnerchor in Shakespeare Hall, on Easter Monday evening, the 10th of April '82. "Floor managers. Chief--Wm. Lawser. H. Wagner, John Brown, Jos. Schaleur."

Small Shoe, 1882. Big Shoe, 1926.

22 Jul 2019 387
When I purchased this unused real photo postcard at a postcard show a few years ago, I thought it would be a straightforward matter to determine whose shoes these were. My first thought was that they belonged to someone like Robert Wadlow (1918-1940), who at 8 feet 11.1 inches "was the tallest person in history for whom there is irrefutable evidence." But since Wadlow was born in 1918, the smaller shoe from 1882 couldn't be his, and the larger shoe from 1926 dates to when Wadlow was 8 years old. Surely he wasn't wearing shoes that large at such a young age!

Pennsylvania Railroad Pass, Lancaster Division, He…

31 Dec 2014 2 1020
"Pennsylvania Rail Road, Lancaster Division, 1882. Pass ________. To Hess & Flinn's Station, the cheapest furniture and upholstery house in the city. No. 148-150 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. Hess & Flinn." This advertising trade card is a clever parody of a railroad pass (for examples of the real thing, see below for Pennsylvania Railroad Company Pass, 1908 and Pennsylvania Railroad Company Pass, 1909 ). Instead of authorizing travel over a railroad line, however, it invited potential customers to visit Hess & Flinn's furniture store in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, during the year 1882. For another Hess & Flinn trade card, see Hess and Flinn, Dealers in All Kinds of Household Furniture, Lancaster, Pa. (below).

Easter Egg Swing, William T. Baldus, Washington, D…

15 Apr 2014 2 2 1455
"Wm. T. Baldus, Pa. Ave. & 19th St. English, French, and German prescriptions a specialty. Copyright by James B. Harrison, 1882."

Easter Dancing, Rosenbloom Brothers, Providence. R…

15 Apr 2014 934
"Rosenbloom Brothers, successors to E. J. Beane, 186 to 190 Westminster St., Providence. Copyright by James B. Harrison, 1882."

A. C. Krider, Happy New Year, 1882

The Owner of This Card Has Purchased One Brick in…

20 Jun 2013 2 1451
The Rev. John William Hamilton was founding pastor of the People's Church in Boston, where he served from 1875 to 1884. He was later elected as a bishop in the Methodist Episcopal Church. This fundraising card provides evidence of the ambitious building program that took place during Hamilton's tenure at the church. According to The Centennial of New England Methodism (Boston, Mass: Crawford Brothers, 1891), ed. George A. Crawford, the construction of the People's Church took about seven years. "The corner-stone of the chapel and parsonage was laid May 27, 1877.... The corner-stone of the church-building itself was not laid until July 3, 1882, and the building was not opened for worship until Sunday, February 10, 1884" (pp. 508-9). The Owner of This Card Has Purchased One Brick in the People's Church Cor. of Columbus Avenue and Berkely St., Boston. The Rev. J. W. Hamilton, pastor. The edifice combines three buildings in one: the church, parsonage, and chapel. The main auditorium will seat 3000 people; the chapel opens into it, greatly increasing its capacity. No expensive tower or costly ornaments, and the church will be free. The Rev. D. W. Couch, financial agent. D. E. Poland, pres. and treas. board of trustees. "The rich and poor meet together; the Lord is the maker of them all." [Proverbs 22:2.]