Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: members
Order of Railroad Telegraphers, 1915
26 Feb 2018 |
"The Order of Railroad Telegraphers, issued to B. H. Harding. Good until December 31st, 1915, unless revoked. H. B. Perham, president. L. W. Quick. grand secretary and treasurer."
Order of Railroad Telegraphers Membership Card, 19…
27 Jan 2020 |
A membership card for the Order of Railroad Telegraphers (ORT). As Wikipedia explains, "telegraphers would be stationed in individual depots along the railroad line in order to receive train orders from a centrally located dispatcher and report back on train movements; telegraphed train orders would be written out on paper and 'handed up' to the crews of passing trains."
See also a 1915 version of the ORT membership card.
The Order of Railroad Telegraphers
Issued to L. W. Ricker.
Good until June 30th 1900 unless revoked.
W. V. Powell, president. H. B. Perham, secretary and treasurer.
The Order of Railroad Telegraphers, Grand Division.
Richfield Autopia Driver's License, Disneyland, An…
06 Oct 2017 |
A 1950s ticket and license for driving the cars at the Autopia ride, which was--and still is--located in the Tomorrowland area of Disneyland .
The Richfield Oil Corporation , which operated a chain of gas stations in the 1950s, sponsored the Autopia ride, so it's not surprising that the license also doubled as a membership card for the "Richfield Autopia Safe Driving Club." The main benefit of the club, as stated on the license, was "friendly, courteous service at more than 4,000 Richfield stations in the West," so it served as an advertisement as well.
For other versions of this ticket / driver's license / membership card / advertisement, see the Official Driver's License for Autopia posting on the Vintage Disneyland Tickets blog.
Richfield Autopia, Tomorrowland
These are the cars of the future at Disneyland.
This official Autopia Driver's License may be filled in and retained as a souvenir of your visit to Disneyland. It identifies you as an active member of the Richfield Autopia Safe Driving Club. It entitles you to friendly, courteous service at more than 4,000 Richfield stations in the West.
Richfield Autopia, Disneyland, Anaheim, California
Operator's License No. 711137
Full Name ________. Address ________. City - State ________.
Sex M - F ____. Height ____. Color of Eyes ____.
Color of Hair ____. Weight ____. Date of Birth ____..
Age ____. Occupation ____.
Right Thumb Print ________.
Your Signature ________.
Globe Ticket Safety.
Felix the Cat Fan Club Membership Card and Secret…
17 May 2017 |
A membership card for a children's fan club celebrating cartoon character Felix the Cat . The card also served as a way to encourage kids to watch the cartoons on Satellite Six , a TV show hosted by Glendora (Glendora Vesta Folsom) on WRGB in Schenectady, New York, in the early 1960s.
13 22-3-7-1 13-17 26-13-26-19-17 17-12-2-1 11-3-8 17-3-3 10-3-19-5 17-3 26-1-6-3-26-1 17-22-13-4! 8-)
Felix the Cat Fan Club
This is to certify that Eloise Trainor is now enrolled in Glendora's Satellite Six Felix the Cat Fan Club and is entitled to all privileges and special information reserved for members. Glendora, Commander, WRGB Satellite Six, 4:30, Monday-Friday. No. 65271.
Felix the Cat Secret Code
For members only!
(1) E, (2) K, (3) O, (4) S, (5) G, (6) C
(7) P, (8) U, (9) F, (10) L, (11) Y, (12) A
(13) I, (14) B, (15) J, (16) M, (17) T, (18) Q
(19) N, (20) W, (21) Z, (22) H, (23) X, (24) V, (25) R, (26) D
Messages will be given by numbers. Simply copy the numbers, then figure out the message.
Mount Washington Club Membership Card, August 23,…
17 May 2017 |
"This card entitles Name: ________ to a day membership in the Mount Washington Club on the Top of New England, White Mountains, N.H. Date of ascent: Aug. 23, 1938."
As Wikipedia reports, Mount Washington is the "highest peak in the Northeastern United States at 6,288.2 ft (1,916.6 m)," which certainly qualifies it as the "Top of New England." The unnamed original owner of this card evidently visited the mountain on August 23, 1938, and may have taken a ride on the Mount Washington Cog Railway --depicted on the back of the card--to get to the top.
Buzzer's Hot Air Club and Grand Order of Windjamme…
17 Feb 2017 |
For a similar membership card parody published as a postcard, see Independent Order of Hot Air Dispensers Membership Card (below).
Buzzer's Hot Air Club and Grand Order of Windjammers
This is to certify that Mr. ________ has been elected member of Buzzer's Hot Air Club and is allowed to expound his hot air at any time with police protection.
A. Airmerchant. president.
American Federation of Butters Membership Ticket
09 Aug 2015 |
"American Federation of Butters. Membership Ticket. Not transferable. This certifies that ________ is entitled to 'butt in' all conversations whether public or private. Billy Goat, president. Nan Goat, secretary."
Kolonel Keds' Space Patrol Membership Card (Side 2…
27 Jan 2015 |
"Member, Kolonel Keds' Space Patrol. Name ________ Address ________ City ________ State ________ Is entitled to all privileges of membership in Kolonel Keds' Space Patrol and may take part in all activities, open or secret, of the patrol. U.S. Keds."
For more information, see the front of this Kolonel Keds' Space Patrol card :
Kolonel Keds' Space Patrol Membership Card
27 Jan 2015 |
"Kolonel Keds personally certifies that bearer, whose name is on back of this card, is a member of Kolonel Keds' Space Patrol. Kolonel Keds."
What kid in the 1960s wouldn't want to wear Keds sneakers and be a member of Kolonel Keds' Space Patrol! See below for the back of the card .
In a later, less Martian-like incarnation, the Kolonel was portrayed by an actor wearing Keds and a Bell Rocket Belt , who swooped down from the sky in TV commercials and did heroic stuff like saving a school bus from an avalanche. Head over to YouTube and see it for yourself: Keds Sneakers with Jet Pack Kolonel Keds .
Groundhog Day Program, February 2, 1963 (Back)
01 Feb 2015 |
The Colerain Township, Pa. Web site describes the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge of Quarryville, Pennsylvania, as a club whose members "throw away worries, cares, and woes and have a good laugh at themselves." This is obvious when you take a look at the back the lodge's 1963 program (above), where comical job titles--like Director of Groundhog Dietetics and Impresario of Groundhog Music--are listed for each member. See below for the entire list of "Lodge Titles and Assignments."
For additional information about the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge, see an
enlargement of the groundhog illustration on the front cover of the 1963 program , the full front cover of the program , and the lodge's 1921 Groundhog Day menu .
Lodge Titles and Assignments
Prefect of Progeny
Surgeon-General and Secretary of Internal Affairs
Ear and Radar Technician
Potentate Exalted
Consultant for Whistle Pigs and Whistle Stops
Lecturing Patriarch
Defender of the Right of Eminent Domain
Prefect of Slumber
Watchman by Night
Able Sleuth and Locator of Holes
Pedagogical Prophet
Director of Groundhog Diatetics
Assistant Eye Rubber
Senior Official Greeter
Duke of the Ducats
Chief of Secret Service
Ambassador Plenipotentiary
Director-General of Communications
Topographical Engineer
Patriarch of Enlightenment
Impresario of Groundhog Music
Agricultural Representative with Rank of Prophet
Clipper de Pate-De Luxe
Chief Oiler and Lubricator
Specialist in Chronometer Synchronization
Doctor of Pow But Not Wow
Enlightener DeLuxe
Peer of Penumbra
Nabob of the Basket
Thrice Venerable Patriarch
Coordinator of Shadows
Maestro of Melodious Music
Inspector of Incisors and Bicuspids
Director of Groundhog Migration
Reguis Professor of Arctomancy
Grand Inquisitor
Director of Gastronomic and Nutritional Research
Patriarch of Degrees
Operator Operandi
Watchman by Day
Junior Official Greeter
Inspirational Patriarch
Patriarch DeLuxe
Ambassador without Stipulated Designation
Consultant for Hole Improvements
Chief Eye Rubber
Councilor for Insurance and Assurance
Bailiff of the Bailiwick
Lord Chief Justice of Groundhog Jurisdiction
Venerable Patriarch
Greeter of Distinguished and Extinguished Guests
Maestro Strummer of Strings
Guardian of the Clover
Ambassadorial Patriarch
Junior Patriarch
Welder of Fraternalism
Grand Shillalah and Shamrock
Commodore of Seafarers and Safaris
Grand Actuary of Action and Reaction
Chief Surveyor of Holes
Grand Scribe of Scribble and Script
Lord High Executioner
Groundhog Day Program, February 2, 1963 (Front)
01 Feb 2015 |
The top section of the front cover of this Groundhog Day program from 1963 grandly announces, "The Fifty-Fifth Annual Observance of Groundhog Day, Saturday, February 2, 1963, in the 187th year of the Independence of the United States of America, by the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge of Quarryville in Lancaster County, the Garden Spot of America, likewise in the State of Pennsylvania and the United States of America."
The middle section of the cover contains a list of past members of the lodge, while the bottom part advises current members to await the pronouncement of Octoraro Orphie, their Weather Prophet: "Let us sit by the side of the Groundhog hole and wait for the Prophet who knows, who can tell when the winter is over and gone and done with its ice and its snows. Why should we hark to the siren call of those of a spurious clan! Let us sit by the side of a Groundhog hole and wait for the Prophet who can."
For additional information about the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge, see an
enlargement of the groundhog illustration on the front cover of this 1963 program , the back cover of the program , and the lodge's 1921 Groundhog Day menu .
Groundhog Day, February 2, 1963
01 Feb 2015 |
"The Fifty-Fifth Annual Observance of Groundhog Day, Saturday, February 2, 1963, in the 187th year of the Independence of the United States of America, by the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge of Quarryville in Lancaster County, the Garden Spot of America, likewise in the State of Pennsylvania and the United States of America."
This is an enlargement of the groundhog illustration on the front cover of the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge's program for its 1963 celebration. The lodge members call upon their own groundhog, Octoraro Orphie, to forecast the weather in Quarryille , Pennsylvania, each year on Groundhog Day , which occurs on February 2. (Farther west in Pennsylvania, another group, the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club, relies upon a different groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil , to predict the weather in Punxsutawney , Pennsylvania.)
The Colerain Township, Pa. Web site (viewed in 2015 but no longer available in 2017) describes the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge this way: "The Slumbering Groundhog Lodge of Quarryville, Pennsylvania was founded on Groundhog Day, February 2, 1908, by George W. Hensel, Jr. The big boss is a fuzzy buck-toothed creature named 'Orphie' and he has the unique ability to forecast an early or late spring with the help of his shadow. Honorary members of the lodge include Sir Winston Churchill, Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and J. Edgar Hoover. The purpose of the club is for members to throw away worries, cares, and woes and have a good laugh at themselves."
For more information, see the full front cover of this 1963 program , the back cover , and the lodge's 1921 Groundhog Day menu .
Independent Order of Hot Air Dispensers Membership…
16 Oct 2014 |
"Independent Order of Hot Air Dispensers Membership Card. Local No. 463 - Card No. This certifies that [H. H. Melhorn?], Glen Rock, Pa., is a member in good standing of the Hot Air Dispensers, and is fully qualified to supply hot air on any and all occasions. James Gasbag, president. Wm. Buttonholer, sec'y."
Ron Drake Bird Watching Society
29 Aug 2014 |
"This is to certify that Mrs. Mary Ritters is a full feathered charter member of the Ron Drake Bird Watching Society, WHP radio 580."
A Bird Watching Society membership card issued to fans of the popular radio personality Ron Drake (a "drake" is also a bird, get it?), who was active on the air in Harrisburg, Pa., from the 1960s until his retirement in 1982. Sadly, Drake passed away in 2005 .
Rules of the Road, by the Farmers' Anti-Automobile…
18 Jun 2018 |
Dr. John Birkmire Lawrence (1890-1961), a chiropodist (or podiatrist ) in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, promoted his services by adding his name to this amusing list of Rules of the Road.
It's difficult to determine when Lawrence may have first circulated these rules. Versions of it were already appearing in published sources as early as the first decade of the twentieth century (see, for instance, " Constable Trust in Darkest Michigan ," The Auto Era , Sept. 1908, p. 11). According to "Dr. Lawrence Moves to 23 S. Third St.," an article that appeared in the Harrisburg Sunday Courier , on February 3, 1935, p. 5, the doctor's office was located at 204 Market Street from 1915 until 1924, so presumably he had them printed sometime during those years.
For another example of early automobile humor, see Not Exceeding the Speed Limit in 1908 .
Rules of the Road
Adoped by the Farmers' Anti-Automobile Society
1. Upon Discovering an Approaching Team, the automobilist must stop offside and cover his machine with a blanket painted to correspond to the scenery.
2. The Speed Limit on Country Roads This Year Will Be a Secret, and the penalty for violation will be $10 for every mile an offender is caught going in excess of it.
3 In Case an Automobile Makes a Team Run Away, the penalty will be $50 for the first mile, $100 for the second, $200 for the third, etc., that the team runs; in addition to the usual damages.
4 On Approaching a Corner, where he cannot command a view of the road ahead, the automobilist must stop not less than 100 yards from the turn, toot his horn, ring a bell, fire a revolver, halloo, and send up three bombs at intervals of five minutes.
5 Automobiles Must Again Be Seasonably Painted, that is, so they will merge with the pastoral ensemble and not be startling. They must be green in spring, golden in summer, red in autumn, and white in winter.
6 Automobiles Running on the Country Roads at Night must send up a red rocket Every Mile and Wait Ten Minutes for the road to clear. They may then proceed carefully, blowing their horns and shooting Roman candles.
7. All Members of the Society will give up Sunday to chasing automobiles, shooting and shouting at them, making arrests, and otherwise discouraging country touring on that day.
8. In Case a Horse Will Not Pass an Automobile, the automobilist will take the machine apart as rapidly as possible and conceal the parts in the grass.
9. In Case an Automobile Approach[es] a Farmer's House When the Roads Are Dusty, it will slow down to one mile an hour and the chauffeur will lay the dust in front of the house with a hand sprinkler worked over the dashboard.
Compliments of Dr. J. B. Lawrence, chiropodist, 204 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa.
Logo at top: "Harrisburg Rotary Club."
Goofey Gang Membership Card, 1929
29 Aug 2014 |
"Membership card. This is to certify that Portia J. Gross as a Goofey Movie fan has been made an annual member of the Goofey Gang, 1929. Phil Strongbred, president. Not transferable. Member's signature."
Cartoonist Fred Neher (1903-2001) issued this Goofey Gang membership card for young fans of his Goofey Movies comic strip.
For an example of Neher's work, see " Goofey Movies Presents Tough Turkey ", a Goofey Movies strip published on January 3, 1929, which is available as part of the Ohio State University Libraries' Cartoon Image Database (select the Toggle Full Page button there for a better view of the image).
Down and Out Club Membership Card, 1906
16 Aug 2014 |
A postcard parody of a membership card for the "Down and Out Club" and an advertisement for the Powers Photo Engraving Company, "fastest engravers on earth."
Down and Out Club of the United States of America
No.: Back number. Date: Not yet but soon. This is to certify that after a thorough examination Mr. R. G. Brubaker has been elected a member of the Down and Out Club of America. His usefulness being gone is subject to the Skidoo Treatment. A. Hasbeen, president.
To the woods. Not yet but soon. Walla-walla. 23 skidoo.
Copyright 1906 by the Powers Photo Eng. Co., Fastest Engravers on Earth, 154 Nassau St., N.Y.
Ancient, Honorable, Transcendental, and Effervesce…
02 Dec 2013 |
A 1924 membership card for the Curwensville, Pa., Kennel (chapter) of the Ancient, Honorable, Transcendental, and Effervescent Order of Yellow Dogs.
"Ride Si Sapis Sine Cura Esto Perpetuum Hic Et Ubique" (Google translates this from the Latin as: "The ride here forever and everywhere, if you are wise, be wholly free from care.")
See also Angelica Paez's Order of Yellow Dogs membership card and my own The Yellow Dogs Will Gnaw at the Ancient Relic, 1923 ticket.
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