Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: pigs

C. L. Hartz, Dealer in Meats and Cheese, Lancaster…

13 Jul 2018 2 887
A business card by Pluck Print with an illustration of anthropomorphic pigs by the Philadelphia engraving firm of Crosscup and West. C. L. Hartz Dealer in all kinds of first-class smoked meats, such as ham, dried beef, bologna, breakfast bacon, &c Cheese: New York state, full cream, imported Swiss, sapsago, kimmel, and Limburger. 223 East Frederick St., Lancaster, Pa. At Northern and Central Markets. Avenue C, stalls 37 and 39, Northern Market. Pluck Print. Buyers Office. Crosscup & West, Phila.

C. H. Dildine, Swine and Poultry, Greenwood, Pa.

15 Jun 2017 1 1 544
A late nineteenth- or early twentieth-century business card for a breeder of pigs and chickens. C. H. Dildine, Greenwood, Columbia Co., Pa. Greenwood Centre herd of thoroughbred swine. Poland China & Chester White swine a specialty. Barred Plymouth Rock and Light Brahmas, poultry. My stock are fine finish. Heavy bone and quick maturing. Pigs two months old and young sows bred, for sale. Prices reasonable. Stock recorded. Correspondence solicited. Romeo, vol. XX.

Uncle Ira with His Pigs on Wig Hill

03 Jun 2017 2 683
A real photo postcard with a note: "Uncle Ira with His Pigs on Wig Hill, the homestead that grandpa H. I. Johnson [built]." See the full version for the uncropped photo and accompanying note (below).

Uncle Ira with His Pigs on Wig Hill (Full Version)

03 Jun 2017 1 612
"Uncle Ira with His Pigs on Wig Hill, the homestead that grandpa H. I. Johnson [built]." For a better view of Uncle Ira and his pigs, see the cropped version of this real photo postcard (below).

What the Pig Thought of the Ghost on Halloween

14 Oct 2016 2 1184
"What the pig tho't of the ghost." A humorous Halloween postcard published by Julius Bien & Co. in 1908.

A Happy New Year

01 Jan 2014 4 2 654
Boys shooting a lucky pig (in German, Glücksschwein ) and gold coins out of a cannon for luck and wealth in the new year.

Aren't You Also on the Pig?

15 Apr 2016 4 4 823
Carlisle, 12/1, 1904 My dear little Carrie: Honestly now aren't you also on the pig? When you kill yours, save me a nice piece of ham, and I'll be up and take dinner with you. You may also keep a few young chickens handy. (If you're "on the pig's back," it apparently means that you're lucky or well off.)

Good Corn Makes Good Hogs

Saint Patrick's Day, March 17th, Good Luck

17 Mar 2014 1 1009
"Mar. 17th. Good Luck."

A Positive Sale! Marietta, Pa., Dec. 29, 1887

28 Dec 2014 3 2 1294
A nineteenth-century sale bill announcing an auction of livestock, vehicles, and agricultural equipment. A Positive Sale! Third monthly sale at the Bazaar! Cross Keys Hotel, Marietta, Pa., on Thursday, December 29, 1887. The following will be sold, to wit: One horse, a fine Jersey bull calf that drew first premium at the Lancaster County Fair. Also a full Alderney cow and calf, two fat hogs, weighing about 200 pounds each. One new shifting top buggy, one new Cortland road cart, one market wagon (second-hand), a few sleighs (Albany cutters). One Root corn planter with fertilizer attachment, good as new. One Perry spring tooth harrow (new), two Princess plows, two double harpoon hay forks, sleigh bells, and other valuable articles. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock p.m. Terms 60 days. Simon L. Brandt, secretary. N.B. No articles will be withdrawn. Marietta Times Print.

Public Sale of 125 Shoats, Ironville, Pa., Feb. 12…

10 Apr 2014 2 1229
A shoat is simply a "young, newly-weaned pig." "Public Sale of 125 Shoats. On Tuesday, February 12, 1889. will be sold at public sale, at Irwin's Hotel, Ironville, West Hempfield Township, the following, to wit: 125 Chester County shoats, weighing from 40 to 140 lbs. A few breeding sows. Stock can be seen three days before sale. A credit of 90 days will be given. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, when terms will be made known by A. H. Hershey. Isaac Hieneman, auct. H. L. Bard, clerk. (Please distribute among your friends.) The New Era Steam Job Printing House, No. 3 South Queen St., Lancaster, Pa."

John S. Keller's Sale of Fine Shoats, Lebanon Coun…

10 Apr 2014 836
"John S. Keller's sale of fine shoats. Will be sold at public sale on Tuesday evening, August 21, 1917, on the premises, in Millcreek Township, Leb. Co, Pa., on the farm of Thos. L. Becker, on the road leading from Millback to Kleinfeltersville, Pa. 50 head of fine shoats, 7 Chester Whites, the rest are Jersey Reds. This is one of the best lots you ever saw. Sale at 5:30 p.m. Conditions made know by John S. Keller. L. B. Kurtz, Auc. T. L. Becker, Clk."