Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: April Fish

April 1st—The Sweetest Kiss

01 Apr 2019 2 627
"1er Avril. Le baiser le plus doux est celui qui vient de loin!" Google translation: April 1st. The sweetest kiss is the one that comes from far away! A French hand-tinted real photo postcard for the first day in April.

Something Fishy This Way Comes

26 Mar 2018 2 642
A French real photo postcard for April Fools' Day, called poissons d'avril (April fish) in France. There's no postmark on this hand-tinted card, but it likely dates to the early twentieth century. "1er Avril. Si tu devines que l'envoie, / Tu n'es pas la moitié d'une oie!"

1er Avril Devinez-qui?

01 Apr 2016 2 1052
1er Avril. Tout mon Coeur. Devinez-qui? Google translation: April 1st. All my heart. Guess who? A French April Fools' Day postcard.

Poissons d'Avril

01 Apr 2016 3 1475
Poissons d'avril (April fish). A French real photo postcard for April Fools' Day, called poissons d'avril (April fish) in France. This hand-tinted card was postmarked on March 30, 1908.

Recevez mes vœux de Bonheur

01 Apr 2016 3 1543
Devinez qui? Devinez quoi? Je pense a vous; pense à moi! Avec ce poisson et ces fleurs Recevez mes vœux de Bonheur. Google translation: Guess who? Guess what? I think of you; think of me! With this fish and the flowers Receive my wishes for happiness. A French real photo April Fools' Day postcard, circa 1900s or 1910s.

Je vous l'offre de bout cœur

01 Apr 2016 2 3 1358
"Je vous l'offre de bout cœur." Translated as: "I offer you this with all my heart." [Thanks to John FitzGerald for the translation.] A French real photo April Fools' Day postcard from 1912.

1er Avril Le port est payé d'un baiser

01 Apr 2016 3 1 1486
1er Avril Le port est payé d'un baiser Vous n'allez les refuser. Possibly translated as: April 1st The shipping is paid with a kiss You will not refuse it. A French real photo April Fools' Day postcard dated 1926.

1er Avril

01 Apr 2016 4 2 1604
"1er Avril" (April 1st.). A French real photo postcard for April Fools' Day, called poissons d'avril (April fish) in France. This hand-tinted card was postmarked on March 31, 1910.

A Fine Basket of Fish for the First of April

30 Mar 2015 5 1 1447
A French April Fools' Day real photo postcard. As Wikipedia's April Fools' Day article explains, "In Italy, France, and Belgium, children and adults traditionally tack paper fishes on each other's back as a trick and shout 'April fish!' in their local languages ( pesce d'aprile! , poisson d'avril! , and aprilvis! in Italian, French, and Dutch, respectively). Such fish feature prominently on many French late 19th to early 20th century April Fools' Day postcards."

Bonheur d'Avril

30 Mar 2015 4 871
Bonheur d'Avril Confident des coeurs amoureux Ce beau poisson porte mes voeux. Rough translation from Google: Happiness of April Confident of loving hearts This beautiful fish carries my wishes.