Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: D. B. Landis
E. Oettel, Philadelphia Reliable Fancy Bakery and…
30 Sep 2024 |
An elaborate business card printed by David Bachman Landis of Pluck Art Printery (later known as Landis Art Print).
The wavy, wiry vertical lines that Landis used to separate the "Special Attention" section on the left from the main "E. Oettel" portion of the card come from a set of "Capital Ornaments" dated 1891 that was available from the Barnhart Brothers & Spindler (BB&S) type foundry. Landis also used these separators in a number of other printed pieces. See, for instance, the following examples:
-- Charles S. Frantz, Graduate Ophthalmic Optician, Watchmaker, and Jeweler, Lancaster, Pa.
-- A. H. Herr, Mill Creek Dairy, Lancaster, Pa.
-- J. M. Trout, Fire Sand Quarries, Landisville, Pennsylvania, ca. 1890s
BB&S also sold a set of "Brownies" characters that included the tiny owl in the upper left-hand corner.
Typefaces: Duerer ("Fancy Bakery and Confectionery"), Pynson ("All kinds of Cakes, Pies, Creams, Water Ices, and"), Hansard ("Home Made Bread"), Dante ("No. 506 Manor Street, Lancaster, Pa."). The unidentified typeface used here for "E. Oettel" appears to be the same as the one selected for "J. M. Trout" on the J. M. Trout, Fire Sand Quarries card.
E. Oettel, Philadelphia Reliable Fancy Bakery and Confectionery.
All kinds of Cakes, Pies, Creams, Water Ices, and Home Made Bread.
No. 506 Manor Street, Lancaster, Pa.
Special attention given to wedding and party orders.
Stands at Eastern, Central, and Southern Markets.
Henry Weill, Dealer in Horses, Lancaster, Pa.
03 Feb 2020 |
Henry Weill (1860-1929) was a well-known horse dealer in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. This business card was printed for him by David Bachman Landis .
For similar cards by Landis that feature text printed over a background illustration, see:
-- Chas. O. Ursprung, Horse Collar Manufacturer, Lancaster, Pa.
-- W. R. Cheney, Carriage Builder, Lancaster, Pa.
-- William C. Myers, Practical Artesian Well Contractor, Salunga, Pa.
Henry Weill,
Dealer in Driving, Heavy Draft, and Fine Coach and Saddle Horses.
Sale and Exchange Stables, 200 to 216 West Orange St., Lancaster, Pa.
Presented by ________
Acclimated and western horses always on hand.
Telephone connection.
John K. Trewetz Billhead, Musical Novelties, Lanca…
03 Feb 2020 |
John K. Trewetz (1864-1938), a well-known musician who lived in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, advertised a patented "bellophone" on his billhead, but I haven't been able to uncover any information about it.
David Bachman Landis of Pluck Art Printery created this billhead for Trewetz.
M ________
To John K. Trewetz, Dr.
Musical Novelties, 350 West Orange St.
Lancaster, Pa., ________ 188__
Bellophone. Patented.
Halloween Masquerade Ball Ticket, Queen of Sheba T…
01 Nov 2019 |
A Halloween dance ticket printed by Landis Art Press, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, who used the same decorative half moons on other tickets. See, for instance, Sophomore Barn Party Ticket, East Petersburg, October 27, 1920 and Hell'o'een Masked Dance Ticket, Lancaster, Pa., October 29, 1920 .
Masquerade Ball
Will be given by the Anniversary Committee of Queen of Sheba Temple No. 137 on Thursday, October 31, 1940 in new Elk's Auditorium, 452 South Duke Street, Lancaster, Pa.
Music by Duke Norman. Prizes awarded. Best dressed. Most comic.
Admission 55 cents.
Sophomore Barn Party Ticket, East Petersburg, Octo…
01 Nov 2019 |
David Bachman Landis of Landis Art Press (formerly Pluck Art Printery ) printed this Halloween party ticket for the sophomore class of a local high school or college. Perhaps it was for students at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and they may have taken the special 7:00 p.m. streetcar from Lancaster to East Petersburg, which is located about six miles away. Or possibly it was for a group in East Petersburg itself.
Compare this ticket with two others that Landis that printed, one for a dance held two days later-- Hell'o'een Masked Dance Ticket, Lancaster, Pa., October 29, 1920 --and another for a dance that took place two years later-- Black Cat Dance Ticket, Lancaster, Pa., October 27, 1922 .
Soph. Barn Party
East Petersburg, October 27, 1920.
Special car leaves square 7:00 p.m.
Price per couple, $.150 [$1.50?].
Gothic and Sans Serif Type, Specimen List No. 15,…
22 Oct 2019 |
This is an undated specimen list advertising some of the typefaces that David Bachman Landis (1862-1940) used at his letterpress print shop in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Landis originally named his shop Pluck Art Printery, but this specimen list dates to sometime after 1914, when he changed the name to Landis Art Press.
Specimen List No. 15
Gothic and Sans Serif Type
Landis Art Press
Blair Gothic
4 sizes 6 pt. - One two three four
3 sizes 12 pt. - Five six and seven
Steel Plate Gothic
3 sizes 6 pt. - Two three four
3 sizes 12 pt. - Five six and seven
Inland Gothic
9 pt. - CAPS and Lower Case to 48 pt.
Sans Serif Bold
24 pt. : with Lower Case
18 pt. CAPS : with Lower Case
14 pt. CAPS : with Lower Case
12 pt. CAPITALS : with Lower Case
Grand Excursion and Picnic Ticket, Penryn Park, Ju…
07 Dec 2020 |
In 1900, the Sunday schools of churches in Landisville and Salunga, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, organized a trip to Penryn Park, a trolley park that was located about eighteen miles away near Cornwall in Lebanon County (YMCA Camp Shand, a children's summer camp, occupies the park site today).
Grand Excursion and Picnic
By Landisville and Salunga Sunday-schools, Wednesday, July 25, 1900, Penryn Park.
Adults' ticket, 45 cents.
Pluck Print.
J. M. Trout, Fire Sand Quarries, Landisville, Penn…
09 Aug 2019 |
J. M. Trout
Owner and operator of fire sand quarries. Also loam beds. Landisville, Penna.
G. H. Thomas, western sales agt., Latrobe, Penna.
Pluck Print.
David Bachman Landis, who designed and printed this business card, wrote about J. M. (Jacob M.) Trout (1858-1935) and his father, Jacob S. Trout, in " Mineral Deposits and Works of the Hempfields ," an artilce that appeared in the Journal of the Lancaster County Historical Society , v. 8, no. 8 (June 3, 1904), p. 247:
" . . . Jacob S. Trout discovered a valuable bed of silica or 'fire' sand, in 1870. Experiments with this sand demonstrated its superior value in the construction of furnaces and the manufacture of steel and iron. Mr. Trout shortly after opened a large trade for his sand, and regularly shipped from Landisville station many carloads of it to the great works of the Pennsylvania Steel Company, at Steelton, and other steel and iron works in Central Pennsylvania. . . . Since the death of Jacob S. Trout, in the year 1893, his son, J. M. Trout (who resides in the village of Landisville at the present time) has taken up the silica sand business and has been shipping thousands of tons to different iron workers, as far West as Chicago, Ill., and East to Massachusetts."
Compare the wiry borders in the design of this card with those used in the return address on an envelope for Charles S. Frantz, Graduate Ophthalmic Optician, Watchmaker, and Jeweler, Lancaster, Pa.
Slaymaker, Barry and Company, Lancaster, Pa., ca.…
15 Jul 2019 |
A business card for Slaymaker, Barry and Company (later Slaymaker Lock Company ). Printed by D. B. Landis of Pluck Print, probably sometime in the 1890s.
Slaymaker, Barry & Co.
Manufacturers of Shelf Hardware
Self Locking Scandinavian Pad-Locks
Lancaster, Pa.
John J. Kane
Spelling Bee Ticket, Camp Grove School, November 2…
09 Aug 2019 |
Camp Grove School was located near Bownstown in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. The ticket was printed by Landis Art Press, Lancaster, Pa.
Spelling Bee
Camp Grove School, November 27, 1931.
7:30 o'clock. Admission 15c.
Catherine Baker, Public Sale, Landisville, Pa., Oc…
18 May 2019 |
A large sale bill printed by D. B. Landis, Pluck Print, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
I believe that the Catherine Baker who held this sale was probably the same person identified as Catharine W. Kauffman Baker (1835-1912). She was the mother of Nora K. Baker Landis (1858-1910), who was the first wife of D. B. Landis. In 1908, Catharine Baker was 73 years old, and she passed away four years later.
Public Sale on Saturday, October 17, 1908
The undersigned will sell at public sale, on the premises in the village of Landisville, East Hempfield Township, Lancaster, Co., Pa., the following described household and kitchen furniture, to wit:
1 Bed and bedstead,
2 Bedsteads, bed spring, wardrobe, 2 washstands, large Starling
Double heater and pipe,
Oil stove, 2 sideboards, organ, centre table, 1-2 doz. chairs, 4 rockers, hall rack, 1 chest, 1 heavy walnut chest, wood chest, refrigerator, bench, quilting frame, mirrors, Brussels, ingrain, hall and stair carpets, stair rods, lamps, chandelier, rubber handle knives and forks, glassware, 2 wash bowls and pitchers, 2 feather ticks, feather bolsters, bed clothing, boxes, baskets, books, fruit jars, lard stand, lantern, ironing stand, iron kettle, brass kettle, pale fence, and a variety of articles not enumerated.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock p.m., on Saturday, October 17th, 1908, when terms and conditions will be made known by Jonas L. Minnich, auct., Henry H. Koser, clerk.
Catherine Baker.
Pluck Print, Lancaster, Pa.
J. W. Benneman, Manufacturer of Our Principal Ciga…
08 Apr 2019 |
"J. W. Benneman, manufacturer of Our Principal 5 cent cigars, Millersville, Pa."
A business card printed by D. B, Landis, Pluck Print, Lancaster, Pa.
Crescent Electric Company, Electric Motors and Fan…
08 Apr 2019 |
The business card for James D. Brinser, who was the superintendent of the Crescent Electric Company in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The card was printed by D. B, Landis, Pluck Print, Lancaster, Pa.
I relied on listings and ads in various publications for the approximate date of 1895. The Annual Report of the Factory Inspector for Pennsylvania in the year 1894, for instance, gives the location of the Crescent Electric Company as 117 East Chestnut in Lancaster, as printed on the card. In 1896, however, Brinser assigned an Electric-Motor Fan patent to the Marietta Manufacturing Company in Marietta, Pa., which suggests that fans were no longer manufactured in Lancaster by that time. By 1898, the ads for Crescent Electric Fans indicated that the Marietta Manufacturing Company made them.
The Crescent Electric Co.
Manufacturers of Electric Motors and Fans
111 to 117 East Chestnut Street, Lancaster, Pa.
Electrical and general machine repairing.
Armature and magnet winding a specialty.
New and second-hand motors in stock.
Prompt attention. Obliging service. Reasonable prices.
James Brinser, superintendent.
The Reading Depot, Landisville, Pa., 1909
08 Apr 2019 |
"The Reading Depot, Landisville, Pa. Photo D.B.L., 1909."
Printed on the back of this postcard: "D. B. Landis, publisher, Pluck Art Printery, Lancaster, Pa."
David Bachman Landis, who was the owner and operator of Pluck Art Printery, photographed the train station in Landisville, Pennsylvania, in 1909, and published this postcard based on his photo.
Hipple Bros. & Co., Inc., Leaf Tobacco, Philadelph…
21 Mar 2019 |
For other tobacco dealer cards, see S. N. Mumma and Co., Packers of and Dealers in Leaf Tobacco, Landisville, Pa. , and Benj. H. Brubaker, Dealer and Packer of Pennsylvania Seed-Leaf Tobacco, East Petersburg, Pa.
Hipple Bros. & Co., Inc.
Leaf Tobacco
Main Office, 151 N. Third St., Philadelphia
Packing Warehouse, Cor. Duke & Chestnut Sts., Lancaster, Pa.
S. N. Mumma and Co., Packers of and Dealers in Lea…
21 Mar 2019 |
"S. N. Mumma & Co., packers of and dealers in leaf tobacco, Landisville, Pa. Represented by ________."
A. H. Herr, Mill Creek Dairy, Lancaster, Pa.
13 Feb 2019 |
A late nineteenth- or early twentieth-century business card printed by David Bachman Landis, who operated Pluck Art Printery , which was later known as Landis Art Print.
I haven't uncovered any reference to a "Mill Creek Dairy," but it's possible that "A. H. Herr" was Aaron H. Herr (1880-1940), a farmer who lived in Manor Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
A. H. Herr, Mill Creek Dairy.
Pure milk and cream.
Lancaster P.O., Pa.
Hallow Eve Party Ticket, Young Men's Society, Firs…
30 Oct 2018 |
A Halloween party ticket, probably dating to the first decade of the twentieth century.
Hallow Eve Party
By the Young Men's Society of 1st M.E. Church, at Iris Club Building, No. 323 North Duke St., Friday, October 30. Tickets, 10 cts. Pluck Print.
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