Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: general managers

Petroleum Soaps, Rice and Robinson Soap Company, T…

24 Sep 2017 3 2 858
"Rice & Robinson Soap Co., Petroleum Soaps. Presented by O. S. Rice. E. S. Rice, president. R. L. Rice, v, pres't & gen'l mgr. J. C. Robinson, sec'y. E. H. Beardsley, treas. Trademark. Drake. First oil well, 1859. Titusville, Pa. G. H. Dunston, Buffalo, N.Y. Over." The Drake Well Museum near Titusville, Pennsylvania, includes a replica of the historic Drake Oil Well , which is featured in the illustration on this card.

Hudson River Day Line Pass, 1899

14 Jul 2017 1 708
"Hudson River Day Line Pass, 1899. E. D. Bennett, G.S., Bennington & Rutland Ry. E. E. Olcott, general manager. 412." E. D. Bennett, the general superintendent of the Bennington & Rutland Railway Company, also received a pass from the Adirondack Steamboat Company in 1897. The boat pictured on this card is the side-wheel steamer New York See below for some other steamboat passes and tickets from the Adirondack Steamboat Company/ (1897), Baltimore Steam Packet Company (1911), New Jersey Steamboat Company (1870), and Reading Steamboat Company .

Baltimore Steam Packet Company Pass, 1911

05 Jul 2016 2 3 1287
"Baltimore Steam Packet Co. Bay Line, 1911. Pass Mr. John F. Auch, Frt Traf. Mgr-–Philadelphia & Reading Rwy, until December 31st unless otherwise ordered. John R. Sherwood, president & general manager. No. 1726. Not valid unless countersigned by W. W. Erdman or myself. Florida." According to Wikipedia, "The Baltimore Steam Packet Company , nicknamed the Old Bay Line, was an American steamship line from 1840 to 1962 that provided overnight steamboat service on the Chesapeake Bay , primarily between Baltimore, Maryland, and Norfolk, Virginia." The steamer Florida , which is pictured on the pass, was a propeller-driven, steel-hulled vessel built by the Maryland Steel Company in 1907. For another illustration of the ship, see Steam Packets on the Chesapeake: A History of the Old Bay Line since 1840 (Centreville, Md.: Tidewater Publishers, 1961), by Alexander Crosby Brown, p. 82. John F. Auch was a freight traffic manager for the Philadelphia and Reading Railway , which later changed its name to the Reading Railroad and was immortalized as one of the railroads featured on the Monopoly game board. Compare this pass with an Adirondack Steamboat Company Pass, 1897 :

Newspaper Stamp, Dover, Somersworth & Rochester St…

07 Oct 2015 3 867
"Dover, Somersworth & Rochester Street Railway Co. Newspaper stamp, 2c. Franklin Woodman, gen'l m'g'r."

Texas Centennial Exposition Pass, Dallas, 1936

25 Oct 2013 2 1373
"Texas Centennial Exposition, Dallas, extends to Mildred Zahn, Resettlement Administration, the courtesy of free admission to the gates of the exposition from June 6th to Nov. 29th, 1936. W. A. Webb, general manager. 1543." As Wikipedia explains, "The Texas Centennial Exposition was a World's Fair held at Fair Park in Dallas, Texas (USA) to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Texas's independence from Mexico in 1836. . . . The exposition was credited for buffering Dallas from the Great Depression, creating over 10,000 jobs and giving a $50 million boost to the local economy." Sadly, William Alfred Webb , the general manager whose signature appears on the pass, died two months after the exposition opened. Mildred Zahn, the recipient of the pass, worked for the Resettlement Administration , which was "a New Deal U.S. federal agency that, between April 1935 and December 1936, relocated struggling urban and rural families to communities planned by the federal government."