Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: products

Morris Type and Platen Cleaner for Typewriters

23 Feb 2015 6 1054
Printed on the back of this postcard: "For over twenty years there has been no change in the method of cleaning type and platens on typewriters, rubber stamps, duplicators, etc. Here at last is the most modern way, the easy way, the last word in efficient ways to clean type, recondition platens, and at the same time free sticky keys or gummed parts."

Buick Fireball Valve-in-Head Straight-Eight Engine

28 May 2015 5 1633
"It's extra special in every way. Here is beauty, comfort, and ability in this 121-inch wheelbase 4-door sedan with Buick Fireball valve-in-head straight-eight engine." Printed on the back: "When better automobiles are built, Buick will build them. Litho in U.S.A.--10-1-41--1000 M." A 1941 advertising postcard featuring a 1942 Buick Eight Special sedan with a Buick Straight-8 (Fireball 8) engine .

The Car of Tomorrow at the World of Tomorrow, 1939

19 Mar 2014 4 2294
A postcard used to promote the Crosley automobile during the 1939 New York World's Fair . Also on display at the fair were various other products, including refrigerators, washing machines, stoves, and radios, that were designed and manufactured by Powel Crosley, Jr. , and the Crosley Corporation. -------- Front: The Car of Tomorrow at the World of Tomorrow. As shown at the Crosley Building at the N.Y. World's Fair. Also the amazing Freezorcold Shelvador Refrigerator, Feather Touch Electric Magnetune Radios. See the newest of the new in home appliances at popular prices. Crosley Reado, facsimile radio printing. Crosley Camera, Press Jr. model, Gas and electric ranges. Electric and gas engine washers. Electric ironers. At Crosley Dealers everywhere. Back (printed not handwritten): My feet are no longer tired after what I've seen at the Crosley Building.

United States Turn and Learn Chart

30 Apr 2015 2 2 1744
Advertisement on the back: "All leather Triangle Brand Shoes. Sturdy good looking shoes for husky boys. Dainty styles for growing girls. They last longer. Pleasant View Store, general merchandise, Nuangola Sta., Pa." This wheel chart or volvelle was an advertising giveaway intended for children, who could turn the interlocking paper wheels to display information about each American state. The arrow at the top of the wheel points to Pennsylvania ("Penn."), for instance, and corresponding text visible in the small windows on the map reveal that Pennsylvania's capital is Harrisburg, its principal city is Philadelphia, it gained statehood in 1787, and other tidbits of information. See below for a variety of other wheel charts on various topics.

I Will Start You With This Complete Selling Outfit

19 Aug 2014 5 950
How can you resist? Send your card in today! "I will start you with this complete selling outfit. Mail this card for full particulars. Get my big surpise offer. . . . Try this business--you run no risk. . . . M. G. Roth, president, Ho-Ro-Co Mfg. Co. Here's your chance to make money--mail this card today."