Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: diarrhea

Swat the Fly, Save the Babies

30 Jul 2015 1 1572
See below for a similar item: Swat the Fly, Protect the Family . Swat the Fly, Save the Babies Make the way hard for the fly and easy for the baby. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Health. Swat 'em. Flies transmit typhoid fever, diarrhea, infantile paralysis, cholera, etc. Swat every fly, save all babies. Hurry, children, here's an unscreened window. No race suicide with the flies. Uncovered food means a feast for filthy flies. Cover all food. Keep garbage cans clean and covered. Flies carry disease and filth on their feet. Health departments, civic clubs, schoolchildren, scouts, housewives, swat 'em. This is no place for me. Disease.

Dr. Hand's Remedies for Children

28 May 2013 5 1843
Dr. Hand's Remedies for Children Mothers, use Dr. Hand's Colic Cure in place of stupefying syrups, paregoric, and cordials. Immediate relief for wind colic or crying babies. Not injurious. Pleasant physic, teething lotion, diarrhoea mixture, cough and croup medicine. Colic cure, worm elixir, general tonic, chafing.